Yellowing days into Vegg, Soil? Nutes? Advice.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, and Thanks yet again for taking the time to read another of my posts. K, quick break down. I have 6 kids Vegging under (Vegging for 12 days)
1 200watt 6700K CFL
6 23watt 6700K CFL

I am using Miracle Grow Organic Choice, and I was planning on using Bio-Grow Liquid fert along w/ Bio-Bloom, they were given to me free so why not.

Anyhow all seem to be going well with the kids, a couple of them had trouble breaking out of thier seed during germination which caused damage to the 2 small under leaves on some of the plants which I believe you can see in the pictures. As you can also see, 1 of them seems to be suffering from what I think is a nitrogen deficiency but not sure. I'm just assuming this b/c of the yellowing of the leaves. I was told it could be a PH issue, sadly I will not have a PH tester for another few days.

I would like to switch from using the MG Organic Choice. I cannot buy Foxfarms or any other of the mainstream soils talked about on these forums and b/c of lack of expierence I am not to keen on the idea of mixing my own soil. I'm planning a trip to a nursery/garden center this weekend so I was hoping to get some ideas on what I should be looking to get. I was told that that Miracle Grow Organic Choice and the Bio-Grow would suffice but this does not seem to be the case.

In anycase any ideas whats up with kids?? any tips, advice, recipes, or links would be great. Thanks a ton, sorry for the long post.. And if you have offered your help to me already on another post, Thanks a ton.

Ah, I am having trouble uploading more then 1 pic, so I tried to edit this post a couple times. Only to still be able to post 1 pic, hehe. Well I think this one is the worst of the bunch, with 1 other looking like its going to go this yellow route as well.


Well-Known Member
k, its def NOT a N def..... Your prob using tap water that isnt pH'ed since you dont have a meter. And i dont know where you got that soil, but never do that again. You cannot buy foxfarm due to "lack of experence"? Thats a poor excuse since buying good soil (not MG) is a good first step to gaining experence. If your broke, thats one thing, but lack of experience? c'mon man, if your gonna take the time and risk of growing pot, do it right! When i started not too long ago, i dropped 2grand on equipment before i ever grew a healthy plant. The soil looks like it came out of a driveway.... if you wanna grow this for shitts and giggles, its cool but dont expect much budwise out of it. Make sure you have good drainage- there needs to be holes in the container. when the soil is DRY, flush ( add 3-5 times pot size of water to the pot) with pH balanced water, no nutes. Flushing will ensure that soil ph will be close to the ph of the water you flush with, which should be 6-6.5. If this is not a pH problem its an overwatering problem so water heavily and let DRY ( top 3 inches of soil should be dry). When you perfect watering and ph you should have very healthy plants and then its time to worry about nutes. Foxfarm soil has plenty of nutes in it to grow a healthy plant at least 3 weeks, and you know it has good drainage and all- less things for you to worry about. Sorry bout the long post and all, but im high :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: and i gave the advise that you asked for. MG=BAD hit up your local hydro store, they got everything you need. Good luck and best of wishes with the grow :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Re-read the post, buying soil has nothing to do w/ a lack of exp.... albeit mixing it does... Foxfarms is not sold in the area I live.


Well-Known Member
Nor can I find foxfarms! I just bought a bag of miracle grow organic, shit. I was planning to transfer my seedlings into it this week. They are in peat cups under 2, 23 watt cfl's, 1200 lumens per light. Is this enough light to veg until I can get outside next month? I have 7 seedlings all looking pretty healthy in mg seed starting mix. Any help would be appreciated, sorry to post on your thread but I haven't got much help with the threads I started, thanks, peace.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same position your are in bud. I have my kids in MG Organic Choice,,,, and thats it atm. I was told this would be sufficient. Well I do not think this is the truth. I'm having a hard time finding an in-depth answer other then MG sucks , and go spend 2 grand on a set up. Foxfarms is not an option nor are the other mainstream soils. I'm going to the garden center this weekend, if anyone has any time would ya mind checking out this site for soil and additives and shooting me some feed back.

I would look at putting more a few more cfls up dunkin.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
I'm useing the organic MG and my plants are doing fine. If you are useing tap water, I would switch to distiled water. if it's an N deficiency then you can add some blood meal to your soil. i've used biobizz products with good results and also ageoldorganics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your thoughts.... any other ideas out there, its like pulling teeth to get folks to respond oO


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its the soil.i recomend either canging to a soil with no it,and if youcan't do that then just keep watering them with ph'ed water tell youflush out all that shit in the soil.once you have that occomplished when your girl starts looking better, then you can start with the nuts.1/4 to 1/2 the strenth. hopethis help,good luck


Well-Known Member
If I switch to a fert free soil, am I going to add blood meal etc to it? or should I just use liquid ferts?

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
its the soil.i recomend either canging to a soil with no it,and if youcan't do that then just keep watering them with ph'ed water tell youflush out all that shit in the soil.once you have that occomplished when your girl starts looking better, then you can start with the nuts.1/4 to 1/2 the strenth. hopethis help,good luck
the organic mg has chicken manure in it, i have always heard it's an excellent source of nutes.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes but for clone and seedling that are trying to establish a root structure. most of the time you are going to burn them up or have soom burnage going on. chicken and cow manure is very hot.


Well-Known Member
I suppose it depends on the soil being used. I'll have to check online to see what the garden store carries.


Well-Known Member
I will be buying soil, mix, and new pots tomorrow. I'm hoping once I re-pot them and get them in soil... the yellow will fade.


Well-Known Member
yes I would agree w/ mg on this 1 the soil has nutes in it that r time released, then when u add nutes to it .. it tends 2 burn, and even if u dont add 2 it often (depending on soil) its 2 strong 4 seedlings


Well-Known Member
I tried 2 reuse soil when i strted grwin,didnt hv 2 much prob w nutes cause of good flushin, however I han a hell of a nat prob, finally realized it was my soil... got rid of it and never reused again... no nats now :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, Thanks for all of your help, I just returned home from the store. I think I might have gone a little overboard on supplies but I would rather have everything regardless if I need it now or later down the line. Well going to transplant, Thanks again for all the help.