Yellow tips on plant EMERGENCY


Well-Known Member
First off, you don't want a he. Second, chill Winston! She's just a baby. Make sure her soil is damp, don't feed her and don't water her for a few days. Babies don't need nutes or ferts.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer burn..........don't feed for it's 1st 2 weeks, depending on your type of soil. Don't use M.G. products for marijuana either- there are specific brands that are geared towards pot that are much better.


New Member
well i just decided to grow it without all of that fert. and ive been doing research I couldnt remember what the differ. is between male and female


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is a bad idea from the get-go. You really don't need any ferts until the plant is out of seedling stage and into vegetation stage. If its just an experiment its not an emergency lol. Best way to learn though is through experience so kudos for just going for it and giving it a shot. Personally I've tried 2 seeds to one pot before and the roots get too tangled too fast. Even now they're probably starting to hit each other and wrap up around each other.


Active Member
Fertilizer burn..........don't feed for it's 1st 2 weeks, depending on your type of soil. Don't use M.G. products for marijuana either- there are specific brands that are geared towards pot that are much better.
Don't use, "it's" when it's supposed to be it is or its w/o the '...grammar often anyone!!


Well-Known Member
well i just decided to grow it without all of that fert. and ive been doing research I couldnt remember what the differ. is between male and female
Males aren't bad if you are trying to breed. If you are trying to grow smoke, you want females only(or sensimilla) because you want Her to dedicate her energy to bud production not seeds. Males produce poorer quality buds because they are designed to produce pollen.


Probably nutrient burn. You gotta watch what you give your seedlings, I killed so many my first few times around trying give them nutes to speed up growth >.< haha! They don't need much when they're babies and you just gotta let em do their thing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say but 3 plants in 1 container ain't going to work, so 2 have to go. Wait until they grow a lttle more so you can choose the stronger plant and chop the other 2. If you try to seperate the roots you are going screw up all the plants. and that's a waste. Well, that is my opion at least. Good luck