Yellow/Orange blotches on my plant


Active Member
Hi there - I have searched the forum for this already but there is so many symptoms and fixes that I thought I'd post a picture or two so you guys could help me out with some advice.

i'm in week 7 of my 2nd Easy Ryder grow under CFL (200w & 125w CFL Envirolight lamps) in biobizz soil using biobizz nutes.

I looked in the tent today and there was this weird orange/yellow spots/blotches on the top of one of my plants.

I also have noticed the leaves turning upwards at the top of the plant.

I am guessing Magnesium problem and was thinking of using epsom salts...

any thoughts on this guys and girls?

Many thanks.



Active Member
really? mmm... i did think that at first but with cfl's i'd have to be pretty much touching the plant to burn it no?

EDIT: just thinking - maybe i knocked it into a lamp when lifting it out for watering?