yellow leaves


Active Member
HELP!!!! I have a plant that is outdoors and it has almost turned yellow. The middle of the plant on the top leaves are turning yellow but the outside branches that are lower are a beautiful dark green. Why is this happening or should I say what am I doing wrong?


Active Member
Yes I have been feeding. I work at a compost facility that we make our own with Chicken manure, grape pomace, and ground up green waste. we have leachade that is the run off when we add water or brewery water to it then we empty our tanks and spray it back onto our compost piles and it keeps processing through the piles. I have been using that to feed but now I am using max sea since i ran out of leachade. I think that i figured it out though. I poked holes in the ground around the plant because it was so hard and now I have more green coming up. I am not sure if that was the problem or not. I feed one day then water the next and give it a day brake then feed again. It is hot here in CA so they dry up quick. Do you think that I am feeding and watering too much?


Well-Known Member
Whats the name of this facility? (makes note not to buy from there)

also try the finger test if you stick the tip of your finger down to just before the first knuckle into the soil and its dry you should water it. Also make sure you are meeting the watering volume needs for your plant. The soil should never be DRY it should be slightly damp.