yellow leaves starting to go brown


Hi please help . 1.2x1.2 grow room with 600w duel spectrum , growing in plagron light soil using plagron nutes . not been using a lot of nutes due to every time i seem to get burn even with the smallest amount (1 ml per litre) i believed it to be magnesium deficiency and added some epsom salts (1 and a half teaspoon per gallon ) 2 days ago. This doesn't seem to have helped although it could be too soon . im 5 weeks into flower and really dont want to lose or slow down growth any more than i have already . my temps are between 19c and 28c rh between 30% and 50% i water when the medium is dry and i am using bottled water from the shop. Any help would be appreciated.IMG_20150210_203326.jpgIMG_20150210_203554.jpg IMG_20150210_203326.jpg IMG_20150210_203554.jpg IMG_20150210_203333.jpg

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
you have a PH problem there ,i would say it cant take the nutes because of lock out ,i dont like flushing unless it is a emergency ,i think you have come to the emergency stage ,you need to flush those with some clearing solution ,i use the florkleen ,shit worked pretty good for me in the past,breaks all the salt buildup.hope this helps


Active Member
Yes you need to adjust that Ph or if your too low budget you might have to do a bodgy transplant, they are the worst of all emergency things to do but yeah try to fix your Ph quickly


Well-Known Member
Isn't plagron organic? A light mix isn't enough to carry your plant through flowering. Are the nutes organic as well? If so I doubt you have a lock out issue as I don't even see any burn? IMO your plant looks hungry and thirsty. You shouldn't let it dry out in between waterings as it can cause your soil to become hydrophobic. It will also cause the microbes in your soil to die off...


I agress that ph could have been the issue but my ph is always between 6.5-6.7 and tge run off is the same . i gave them a good feed with nutes (grow and bloom together) to give them some nitrogen . they have not got worst but one still looks pretty sorry for itself. I just hope it lasts until harvest so i get a little something out of it . the problem must have been lack of nutes i realky was starving them in fear of burning them i also waited until the medium was really dry and the leaves were drooping until i watered them in fear of over watering , (2 things that drastically reduced yeild last time ) i now have a soil tester and seem to be on top of it a bit better . photo_20150218_959618.jpgphoto_20150218_157745.jpg photo_20150218_142536.jpg photo_20150218_959618.jpg photo_20150218_157745.jpg photo_20150218_142536.jpg


Also i was using bottled spring water which i believe has a lot less cal/mag in so i went back to tap water , my tap is around 400 ppm which i know is very high but they seem to be getting better , im going to give a flush just in case on the next watering , i appreciate all help from you guys . thank you


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is the plant asking for more K. At this stage of flowering it needs lots of K .


Well-Known Member
I agress that ph could have been the issue but my ph is always between 6.5-6.7 and tge run off is the same . i gave them a good feed with nutes (grow and bloom together) to give them some nitrogen . they have not got worst but one still looks pretty sorry for itself. I just hope it lasts until harvest so i get a little something out of it . the problem must have been lack of nutes i realky was starving them in fear of burning them i also waited until the medium was really dry and the leaves were drooping until i watered them in fear of over watering , (2 things that drastically reduced yeild last time ) i now have a soil tester and seem to be on top of it a bit better . View attachment 3356106View attachment 3356107 View attachment 3356108 View attachment 3356106 View attachment 3356107 View attachment 3356108
They do look much happier :mrgreen: