Yellow leaves , brown spots like burns - HELP


Active Member
Twiggiams... I only wished people had helped me out when I had all of my complications... Unfortunately i didn't know about this site back then..... How about you add me... And we can look at the pics. Could be simple... Or could be complicated so will have to see pics
Alright I added you, I appreciate your time.


Lol im confused now so calcium will resolve my problem? and whats he supposed to give it for the calcium it needs? he is using a+b vitalink plus some canna rhizotonic + a little super thrive!?


Well-Known Member
yea superthrive helps a lot with stress it's like a magic potion :D! I'm not saying it's calcium, the leaves in the photos show that. In fact my diagnose was PH flux issues causing different locks and deficiencies. I might be wrong though until I see whole plant and get more info of the growing conditions, like 6.2 is a tad high for hydro and EC can't be 10-12, most likely 1.0 - 1.2 which is in fact a tad high for this stage of growth and too much nutes causes locks that translates into deficiencies. So I'd advice to lower the nutes like brokerflamer said while supplementing calmag (10ml/gallon) plus 3 drops of Superthrive. Keep the PH steady at 5.8 while the plants recover. Hope I'm making sence.


ye 1.0 - 1.2 is what i meant lol and he has lowered the ec to 0.6 - 0.8 with a day flush before that so hopefully they will be OK will just have to wait and see lol


on the back of super thrive it says use 1mil to every gallon so because he has a 50liter tank that means 12.5mil of super thrive in that tank correct?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's right I haven't check my label instructions in a while so I got used to that dosage. hope it gets better :)