Yellow Edges, Yellow Spots


Well-Known Member
Have you checked your ph? How much fertilizer are you using? Full strength? Check you ph on any and everything that you put into or onto your plant.


Active Member
about 80 % im not sure but i think its a bit 2 hot in there so ive been leaving the door open to let some heat out its mad it looks dead when its been under light period and then a different plant when its been dark the budds have stopped growing and smelling aswell.. the p-h is around 5.8 and just started feeding with terra flores in every other watering.. i water every other day..
Not sure where you live, but I'm in deep south USA. Even with A/C running in the house, the closet gets too hot w/o fans. I always leave the door open, and there is a small fan sitting on the floor just outside the closet pushing air in, and then another small fan at the top of the doorway pushing the hot air out. My top heat level during "lights on" is around 86 deg. F which I still feel is too high, but will be installing HPS lighting soon (after this initial test bagseed grow) at which time my hubby will be going into DIY mode to also install ventilation b/c the HPS light set up will assuredly be hotter than the CFLs. Neither one of us are too hip on him cooking himself up in that attic right now:o

Do you at least have some air movement with fans?