Yellow dots


Well-Known Member
Did you get any water droplets on your leaves when you were top feeding?

Nutrient rich water left to evaporate on leaves can cause discoloration


Well-Known Member
Yes lowkey isprayed it wit nute water
I'm not a hydro expert, so someone else may correct me, but I dont believe you NEED to foliar feed a seedling (I know you dont in soil, and I'd assume the same concept applies in hydro). Clones need foliar feeding, because they dont have any root system to absorb nutrients from their environment. But a seedling has inate nutrients in its cotyledon leaves which will support it for several days after sprouting, and the roots will be able to absorb nutrients from your top feedings, until they are able to reach the nutrient solution below.

Either way, it wont effect the plant much at all going forward, assuming that is what caused the discoloration.