y do girls do this


New Member
no word of a lie i went to a gay bar with a gay friend. i was the only straight guy there and i met a chick who had big angel wings tattooed on her back, she was hot as hell and we hooked up, when we were leaving to go back to her place an even hotter chick came up and started giving her shit about going home with a guy then they both ended up coming with me and it resulted in the hottest night of my whole life.

the motto of the story is yes angel wing chicks are freaks and yes being the only straight guy in a room stacks the odds of picking up chicks hugely in your favour, of course it also increases the odds of being molested by a gay man
pics or didnt happen
video would be better
where is the tattoo btw? tramp stamps are just that. I love to count the # of times I see a tramp stamp in 40 degree weather. For real? Cuz I'm freezin...........


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I guess its a personal decision but tatoos are always a turn off for me.. If they have one tiny one on their ankle or whatever.. I mean cool, but if they have the angel wings thing, or anything on their abdomen.. Tramp stamps... Its just like.. Gross..

Not saying they couldn't be an absolutely wonderful person.. Its just weird haha


Active Member
its funny how people come up with the lamest reason for tattoos.I know a girl who got a pomegranate on her arm cause her dad ate them alot. The dumb thing is that it was huge and he wasn’t even dead or anything. I think she came up with the meaning afterwards. I dont understand the tattoos on the face. Talk about a good way to never get a job again.