WWW III has started


Well-Known Member
win the war within yourself and get prepared. buy a bible and some bullets. oh and learn how to survive with no electricity or oil LMFAO. You have 6 months...........
6 months, eh?

and when this all doesn't go down in 6 months and you are proven to be yet another doomsday predicting carnival barker (like the OP), i will be here to laugh in your face.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Because he wasnt in anyones pocket. He is against the patriot act and also voted against the Iraq war
thats weird, so is Ron Paul, dont you have anything else?

because hes a nut? thats the best you got... i thought you harbored more knowledge on political issues than that. im afraid i was wrong, and held you in too high of esteem.

nothing but one of those, what you do call them... ah yes, trolls

i dont care if you DO copy and paste, throw me some liable information. it doesn't take much work to spend 5 minutes on good and do some copy and paste bro, thats the least you could do.


Well-Known Member
thats weird, so is Ron Paul, dont you have anything else?

because hes a nut? thats the best you got... i thought you harbored more knowledge on political issues than that. im afraid i was wrong, and held you in too high of esteem.

nothing but one of those, what you do call them... ah yes, trolls

i dont care if you DO copy and paste, throw me some liable information. it doesn't take much work to spend 5 minutes on good and do some copy and paste bro, thats the least you could do.
yeah, but unlike ron paul, feingold does not want to abolish public education and dismantle the social safety net.

also, out of the 66 who voted "no" on the patriot act in the house in 2001, 63 of them were democrats. just sayin'...


New Member
thats weird, so is Ron Paul, dont you have anything else?

because hes a nut? thats the best you got... i thought you harbored more knowledge on political issues than that. im afraid i was wrong, and held you in too high of esteem.

nothing but one of those, what you do call them... ah yes, trolls

i dont care if you DO copy and paste, throw me some liable information. it doesn't take much work to spend 5 minutes on good and do some copy and paste bro, thats the least you could do.

Ron Paul wants to get rid of
-dept of education
-Cut the FDA
-Federal Reserve
-Business regulations
-Social Security

Ron Paul is a fucking Nut. And spare me the Patronizing
I could care less what your level of esteem for me is
if you support Ron Paul
Your either Uninformed a racist a conspiracy freak or a stoner

I Worked my whole Life to get what Little I got. And I dont feel Like losing everything because Ron Fucking Paul wants to Give Corporations and a unbridled Free market the Chains to enslave us

Fuck Ron Paul and the Cuacasian Only Turtle he rode in on

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul does not want to "abolish" education, he wants to make some changes.. some changes that have been in much need to be made.
Ron Paul-

“First, the Constitution does not authorize the Department of Education, and the founders never envisioned the federal government dictating those education policies.
Second, it is a huge bureaucracy that squanders our money. We send billions of dollars to Washington and get back less than we sent. The money would be much better off left in states and local communities rather than being squandered in Washington.
Finally, I think that the smallest level of government possible best performs education. Teachers, parents, and local community leaders should be making decisions about exactly how our children should be taught, not Washington bureaucrats.
The Department of Education has given us No Child Left Behind, massive unfunded mandates, indoctrination, and in some cases, forced medication of our children with psychotropic drugs. We should get rid of all of that and get those choices back in the hands of the people.”

he wants education decisions to be made by the state, locally, or on a personal basis rather than by our government

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Highly unlikely scenario that any state would allow mass dumping of toxic waste. And if you couldn't prove where the waste is coming from, what would EPA do now? Who would they fine?

The EPA is an out of control agency. They've outlived their usefulness. Time to get rid of them or rein them in to stop the abuses against individual citizens for minor or imaginary infractions. Read the article below to see how EPA spends its tax dollars.

Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington

Since its creation in 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency has done more harm than good. EPA regulations cost more than 5 percent of our annual gross domestic product - the equivalent of the costs of defense and homeland security combined. Since EPA regulations have expanded, unemployment in America has increased by 33 percent. This abuse of power by the implementation of regulations infringes upon our basic constitutional rights.
There have been too frequent reports of individual rights being violated by abusive and power-hungry EPA bureaucrats. These regulations have hampered landowners’ ability to manage their private property as they please and have impaired job creation. Americans are suffering from the overreach of regulatory agencies such as the EPA.
In Pennsylvania, take the story of John Pozsgai, an immigrant from Hungary, who worked as a mechanic and eventually saved enough money to purchase the land bordering his home in Morrisville, Pa. This land was an old auto junkyard, and Mr. Pozsgai, taking pride in his home, proceeded to clean up this landfill by removing 7,000 old tires and rusted-out automobiles. However, the EPA did not view this effort as a clean-up but rather a violation of the Clean Water Act. You see, Mr. Pozsgai’s property was a wetland, ambiguously defined by the EPA as any property that has some sort of connection to a wetland. That connection to a wetland was a small drainage ditch located on the edge of his property.
Mr. Pozsgai did not need a permit to dump topsoil on an isolated wetland. However, the Army Corps of Engineers insisted he apply for one. Next, the EPA set up surveillance cameras to capture Mr. Pozsgai filling his land with topsoil. EPA agents then arrested him for “discharging pollutants into waters of the United States.” These “pollutants” consisted of earth, topsoil and sand. The EPA openly admits that no hazardous wastes were involved in the case, yet Mr. Pozsgai was found guilty and sentenced to three years in prison and fined $202,000. Mr. Pozsgai spent 1 1/2 years in prison, 1 1/2 in a halfway house, and was under supervised probation for five years. His family went bankrupt and was unable to pay its property taxes on the land.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member

Today the FDA, like other agencies in Washington is hopelessly corrupt. Tyson's Food, the largest producer of meat in the world, has also been a major contributor to both Republican and Democrat candidates over the years and was a major player in the rise of Bill Clinton.

Tyson employees have ended up as hires by the FDA, the very agency that is supposed to regulate them.

Feel safe about your meat? Consider this from Wikipedia: "The food safety director of Costco claimed in October 2009 that Tyson Foods refuses to supply beef to Costco due to Costco's policy of testing beef for E. coli . . . stating 'Tyson will not supply us. They don’t want us to test.'"

How about a complaint that chickens grown for processing are living and dying within 0.7 square feet of space and never see sunlight?

There are many reports that some companies feed cows corn instead of grass, which often requires veterinarians to clean out their colons. That the cows live and die, shoulder to shoulder, sometimes ankle deep, in rainwater and their own feces and urine.

There are theories that Americans are fat because of the hormone injections in beef. There was a University of Iowa study that found a new strain of MRSA because of excessive use of antibiotics in healthy animals. The food industry insists that it prevents disease.

In tests on farms in Iowa and Western Illinois it was found that a high percentage of hogs — and and even workers — carried a new strain of MRSA. Drug resistant infections have skyrocketed in the past two decades.

An Associated Press articled published last April suggested that half of the meat and poultry sold in U.S. supermarkets "may be tainted with Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can make people sick."

Many Americans see the media as complicit. After all, the food industry is a major advertiser. A journalist will break a story, cause a mild sensation, but it will soon disappear. (Upton Sinclair, the author who outed the meat industry in the early 20th century, would turnover in his grave.) Still, the Internet and the troubled conscience of workers in the system have helped fuel a populist uprising. More and more Americans are learning the truth and are concerned.

So yes, Ron Paul would change all of that.

Now, as Ron Paul often says, he is not running for dictator. He is running for president. He lives and breathes the U.S. Constitution. These are just his ideas. Congress would have to pass legislation to make them law and so the American people would have to agree. But one must admit that privatization and competition did not hurt the U.S. Post Office. Competition from UPS, Federal Express and Purolator have only made it better.

Imagine a J.D. Power and Associates stamp on a package of meat. Involvement of private companies would transform the meat industry. And even if a President Ron Paul was not successful in shutting down the corrupt FDA, and privatizing the whole process, just having a president who wasn't blind to the cozy relationship between an agency and the industry it is supposed to regulate, could make all the difference in the world.



New Member
John Pozsgai had far worse luck. Pozsgai owned and operated a truck repair business. In order to expand his business, Pozsgai bought an adjacent lot that his lawyer described as a neighborhood dumpsite.[5] Because the entire tract was legally classified as wetlands, local authorities notified Pozsgai that he could not develop the land without a permit from the Corps. Equally unfazed by repeated warnings that his construction activities were illegal, Pozsgai filled and graded the site in preparation for building a garage. To Pozsgai's misfortune, a lengthy criminal investigation of his case culminated in his indictment, conviction[6] and three-year prison term for violating the Clean Water Act.[7]

Sounds Like Pozgai Broke the Law
And Polluted the area water
Got any more of your Right wing storys?


New Member

Today the FDA, like other agencies in Washington is hopelessly corrupt. Tyson's Food, the largest producer of meat in the world, has also been a major contributor to both Republican and Democrat candidates over the years and was a major player in the rise of Bill Clinton.

Tyson employees have ended up as hires by the FDA, the very agency that is supposed to regulate them.

Feel safe about your meat? Consider this from Wikipedia: "The food safety director of Costco claimed in October 2009 that Tyson Foods refuses to supply beef to Costco due to Costco's policy of testing beef for E. coli . . . stating 'Tyson will not supply us. They don’t want us to test.'"

How about a complaint that chickens grown for processing are living and dying within 0.7 square feet of space and never see sunlight?

There are many reports that some companies feed cows corn instead of grass, which often requires veterinarians to clean out their colons. That the cows live and die, shoulder to shoulder, sometimes ankle deep, in rainwater and their own feces and urine.

There are theories that Americans are fat because of the hormone injections in beef. There was a University of Iowa study that found a new strain of MRSA because of excessive use of antibiotics in healthy animals. The food industry insists that it prevents disease.

In tests on farms in Iowa and Western Illinois it was found that a high percentage of hogs — and and even workers — carried a new strain of MRSA. Drug resistant infections have skyrocketed in the past two decades.

An Associated Press articled published last April suggested that half of the meat and poultry sold in U.S. supermarkets "may be tainted with Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can make people sick."

Many Americans see the media as complicit. After all, the food industry is a major advertiser. A journalist will break a story, cause a mild sensation, but it will soon disappear. (Upton Sinclair, the author who outed the meat industry in the early 20th century, would turnover in his grave.) Still, the Internet and the troubled conscience of workers in the system have helped fuel a populist uprising. More and more Americans are learning the truth and are concerned.

So yes, Ron Paul would change all of that.

Now, as Ron Paul often says, he is not running for dictator. He is running for president. He lives and breathes the U.S. Constitution. These are just his ideas. Congress would have to pass legislation to make them law and so the American people would have to agree. But one must admit that privatization and competition did not hurt the U.S. Post Office. Competition from UPS, Federal Express and Purolator have only made it better.

Imagine a J.D. Power and Associates stamp on a package of meat. Involvement of private companies would transform the meat industry. And even if a President Ron Paul was not successful in shutting down the corrupt FDA, and privatizing the whole process, just having a president who wasn't blind to the cozy relationship between an agency and the industry it is supposed to regulate, could make all the difference in the world.

And then You Confuse the USDA and the Role OF the FDA

And yes I feel Very confident of my food
Not so much when I travel Overseas


New Member

And what about John Pozsgai, the small businessman who was simply trying to realize the American dream of owning and developing his own land? Was he unfairly singled out for prosecution? Heed the rest of this cautionary tale. Before he purchased the fourteen-acre tract, Pozsgai hired an engineering firm to determine whether the land was suitable for expansion of his truck repair business. The engineering consultant advised him by letter that it was not. The entire site constituted wetlands and could not be developed without a permit from the Corps. While he was still considering purchasing the site, a Corps of Engineers biologist also informed him that he could not fill the land without a permit. As negotiations to buy the property continued, Pozsgai hired a second engineering consultant to evaluate the site, was again told that the property was wetlands and was again warned that any site preparation would require prior approval from the Corps. Ever the optimist, Pozsgai hired yet a third engineering consultant, who confirmed that the tract was protected wetlands. After receiving the three consultants' reports and the notice from the Corps, Pozsgai turned adversity into advantage by renegotiating the purchase price downward by $32,000--and then began filling in the site.[60]
Following this negotiating coup, Corps of Engineers officials repeatedly warned Pozsgai that he was violating the law. Yet despite the warnings, which included at least two cease and desist letters,[61] Pozsgai relentlessly filled in the land. Even after the United States Attorney filed a civil action and obtained a temporary restraining order ("TRO") against him, Pozsgai remained undeterred. Two days after the issuance of the TRO, a video camera installed by the EPA on nearby property recorded the dumping of twenty-five truckloads of debris onto the land and showed Pozsgai operating a bulldozer to level the fill. Shortly thereafter, the court held Pozsgai in contempt.[62]


King Tut

And what about John Pozsgai, the small businessman who was simply trying to realize the American dream of owning and developing his own land? Was he unfairly singled out for prosecution? Heed the rest of this cautionary tale. Before he purchased the fourteen-acre tract, Pozsgai hired an engineering firm to determine whether the land was suitable for expansion of his truck repair business. The engineering consultant advised him by letter that it was not. The entire site constituted wetlands and could not be developed without a permit from the Corps. While he was still considering purchasing the site, a Corps of Engineers biologist also informed him that he could not fill the land without a permit. As negotiations to buy the property continued, Pozsgai hired a second engineering consultant to evaluate the site, was again told that the property was wetlands and was again warned that any site preparation would require prior approval from the Corps. Ever the optimist, Pozsgai hired yet a third engineering consultant, who confirmed that the tract was protected wetlands. After receiving the three consultants' reports and the notice from the Corps, Pozsgai turned adversity into advantage by renegotiating the purchase price downward by $32,000--and then began filling in the site.[60]
Following this negotiating coup, Corps of Engineers officials repeatedly warned Pozsgai that he was violating the law. Yet despite the warnings, which included at least two cease and desist letters,[61] Pozsgai relentlessly filled in the land. Even after the United States Attorney filed a civil action and obtained a temporary restraining order ("TRO") against him, Pozsgai remained undeterred. Two days after the issuance of the TRO, a video camera installed by the EPA on nearby property recorded the dumping of twenty-five truckloads of debris onto the land and showed Pozsgai operating a bulldozer to level the fill. Shortly thereafter, the court held Pozsgai in contempt.[62]
Could we get more info on the land and how/why it was defined as "wetlands"?

i know of a few farmers that fought and fought for their land after an "endangered" kangaroo rat was found on their land. i have witnessed an ecologist spend an hour (who knows what he was being paid) build a ladder out of construction lath and place it in a trench "just in case" a salsmander fell into it and needed an escape route. i have located soggy ground where fairy shrimp are located (in the middle of a pasture on the foothills for an ESPN radio tower) because of "regulations". The property owner had to pay the company i worked for $130/hr for a full day to document these vernal pools. For what?


Well-Known Member
Could we get more info on the land and how/why it was defined as "wetlands"?

i know of a few farmers that fought and fought for their land after an "endangered" kangaroo rat was found on their land. i have witnessed an ecologist spend an hour (who knows what he was being paid) build a ladder out of construction lath and place it in a trench "just in case" a salsmander fell into it and needed an escape route. i have located soggy ground where fairy shrimp are located (in the middle of a pasture on the foothills for an ESPN radio tower) because of "regulations". The property owner had to pay the company i worked for $130/hr for a full day to document these vernal pools. For what?
its because the fed has allowed the companies to run amok with our money and our freedoms. just look at the eminent domain act, a prime example that the gov doesnt give a fuck about you. i dont think any of you have worked for the fed, because if you did youd all realize that the fed doesnt give a shit about the people, only the dollars, were numbers to them, soldiers are more valuable to the gov than civilians because the money spent to train them. the government does not give a fuck about anyone who isnt a part of the upper echelon. and as for your stupid victim john dumbfuck pozgai hes a moron for pushing through that shit, he brought it all on himself. you dont fuck with the fed, and if anything your little story about some sap taking on the man and getting fucked is even more of a reason why ron paul should disassemble these agencies. if there were no epa, your tool of a friend could have bought his land, but he did thing the dumbfuck way and paid the price, i feel no sympathy for dumbfuck john. and your an idiot for even posting that pointless story.


Well-Known Member
...fuck off and die troll, if this were iraq, id shoot you in the back of the head with a russian handgun, and push you out of the humvee..
lol, no wonder you're such an angry little troll. you're a homicidal psychopath with PTSD. go get some help. making sandwiches for all the men couldn't have been that traumatic.

your probably just some fat pathetic slob just like uncle fuck.
i'm actually in pretty good shape physically AND mentally.

and i know when to use "your' and "you're" :hump: