wtf need help fast with my clone,(yellow leaves)


please please please,can anyone tell me why my clone's condition is deteriating. the other clone is in alright condition but take a look at this one and the leaves and if anyone can tell me the problem that would be great. its 3 days old



yall fuckin blow with these answers, yall a bunch of dumb asses, just click then page then leave.


Well-Known Member
yall fuckin blow with these answers, yall a bunch of dumb asses, just click then page then leave.
being a dick isn't going to get you answers any faster. maybe they they didn't answer you because of that or because your pictures suck and you didn't give any information. lighting,nutes, water ph. it could be a bunch different of shit. dont get mad at us because you cant grow.:hump:


Well-Known Member
yall fuckin blow with these answers, yall a bunch of dumb asses, just click then page then leave.

Anyways she looks like a gonner,the first couple days 95%-100% humidity is vital.She looks like she dried up.