wtf is the deal with this plant?? pics

well, i know this has to be some kind of fert problem because i have another plant that is an identical clone in identical conditions only it is in miracle grow potting soil and it looks deep green and very healthy.. although it is shorter than this plant. i have 2 others in this condition as well.. only difference is they are in neutral soil.

i use a 3-12-6 mix on them every three days according to the directions on the bottle. i use it on the plant in the miracle grow soil as well. the plants have been in flowering for about 2 weeks and this problem showed up maybe a week ago. bud development is about the same on all plants, only difference between them is that the 3 with the yellowing/brown spots are all 6 inches taller than the green one, but dont seem stretched or anything like that, they are all completely covered in nuggets.

so.. what shall i do?




What's your ph level? Alot of the time when they start to look like that people tend to add more fert thinking fthat is the problem and it just throws the ph level off even more and then the plant cant get the nurtients that is needed. I would test the ph first.
Ive never Checked actually.. Guess i should heh. I have a liquid test kit for my reef tank and buffering materials. How does one check the ph of soil without an electronic probe?


Ive never Checked actually.. Guess i should heh. I have a liquid test kit for my reef tank and buffering materials. How does one check the ph of soil without an electronic probe?
You have a ph imbalance or a nutrient deficiency. fish emulsions will help. You can pick them up at any gardening store. Personally i would stick with organic. And remember to ALWAYS test the ph of the water you feed your plants... it could mean sure death.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
Water your plant until you have run-off water that comes out of the bottom of the pot and let it drip into a cup or a small container. Use your tester to test the PH of that water. Your plant soil PH will be the same.
that miracle grow soil isnt the best, stay clear from that.

first off, id like to thank everyone that has responded. this site and the people on it have proven to be one of the more friendly forums ive been a part of.. and i am a member of many (under a different name ;) for obvious reasons)

second, and to the quoted poster, miracle grow potting soil has been absolutely awesome throughout my vegging process, and my mother plant absolutely loves/loved it... BUT i agree.. i did not want to use it. this grow was started as a 2 person project and the second person insisted that we use it because it was his idea.... long story that ended up with him being kicked out of my house.

so.. now i am left with the one plant that is in the mg potting soil. the other three that are looking ill are in miracle grow organic choice. i suppose its a good thing that i have that mg chem plant because it gives me a point of reference.. it is the healthiest looking plant of them all..

anyway, i am going to try to check the ph of the soil using my aquarium test kit and watering runoff like higher education suggested.. ill post up the results.

btw.. this is my first grow, but i have a pretty decent setup. heres a pic of my box. 3x26 6400k veg side, 4 40w 4ft tubes, 6 26w 2300k cfls, and 150w of hps on flower side. ventilation is a 100cfm fan through a carbon scrubber. sucks in through veg side, goes through the divider, into the bottom of flower.. fan and exhaust are up at the top

mother is a 5 mo old bagseed out of some awesome mids.



Active Member
always flush your plants before you re-fertalize so that the nutrients it doesnt use will be flushed out and not allowed to build up
my ph test kit starts at 7.4 since reef tanks are an alkaline environment, but it looks like my soil runoff water ph is right around 7 even..maybe slightly less. ph doesnt seem to be the issue.

i have heard of quite a few people using mg organic choice soil with positive results so i am a bit stumped. my nutes are dyna-grow.. ingredient list looks very complete and 3-12-6 seems perfect for flowering. instructions say to use 1/2 tsp per gallon.. maybe i should step it up to 1tsp per gallon?

it has to be a nute issue if it isnt ph correct? the standard mg potting soil plant gets the same nute blend as the rest and it is a deep nice green.. its getting my dyna nutes plus whatever mystery nutes the mg releases... thinking that means i need to step up nutes for the rest and maybe keep using the current strength on that one plant?

voices of experience care to speak some more?

attached is a bud on day 9 of flowering on one of the less healthy plants. they are all around 14 inches tall and each plant has ~15 nice marble sized buds and ~10 more smaller sites with pistils.. other than the discoloring they appear to be thriving??


i ended up making up a watering can with 6x the nute solution i had been using. i have a feeling 1tsp per 2 gallons just wasnt enough.. the bottle of dyna grow recommended that amount for upkeep watering, and said it provides a 1500-1 dilution rate.. that just doesnt seem like much of anything. i also added some molasses for the first time.

lights come on in a few hours. hopefully they arent all burnt up :)