WTF is so difficult?


Well-Known Member
Haha..I've never hit a chick and I never will. I was just ranting, I'm the biggest pacifist in the world. That conversation ended after about 5 minutes and she gets the idea.

I should've stated "Don't open the door for strangers", obviously if her friends knock on the door she knows she should open it, or the delivery guy, or a neighbor that she recognizes, but a salesperson with a clipboard or any other stranger, FACK off.

My door mat states nicely "GO AWAY". It's not just about my grow room, it's MY personal space and I don't want her letting strangers into. I'm not hiding, it's common sense.
i hear ya there man..


Well-Known Member
Yeah but at least men don't think everyone is our friend. :lol:

Now I'm thinking I should go to work for Kirby, I'd probably get lots of strange...
whatever man. i dont think everyone is MY friend either. where the fuck you get that from????????????????????? maybe you should go work for KIRBY.................


Well-Known Member
whatever man. i dont think everyone is MY friend either. where the fuck you get that from????????????????????? maybe you should go work for KIRBY.................
I think girls are actually the other way around....they make and keep friends with NO ONE. If you know girls that are friends and claim they have been friends "forever" they've been enemies many times and they will be again.


Well-Known Member
this really has got me thinking about physical security a lot moreso

i can't do much where we are in our tiny apartment, next year we move into a house and i need to consider being stealth even if i am medical and legit

last thing i need is my niece in a few years showing her lame teenage friends, stupid fawkers would probably jack me even if the girls are still in veg state haha
even if legit, why would you EVER let your teenage niece know about your grow?? not smart at all...In fact, it's stupid - letting a teenager know about your grow...Or even possibly a PRE TEEN (now that i re-read the post), since you say that in a few years she might let her TEEN AGE friends know about your grow.... I mean WOW man...fuckin WHOA!!! It'll be a FEW YEARS before her teenage friends "may" come over to your house??? what age does that make this little girl that knows you grow pot???? I'm surprised you're not busted at this level of idiocy!! sheesh..



Well-Known Member
Laserbrn, I feel your pain bro. had even worse happen at my pad.

My brother apparently had a certified piece of mail show up at my house (he rents the lower level of my house, and we grow together). He knew what certified mail was, and told the post officer to go away, he wouldn't sign for it and didn't want it. So the post office worker left with the certified piece of mail. I didn't know about any of this.

A few day later there's a knock on my door. I go to the door and ask, "who is it?" It's the police, is the answer I get. I think, oh fuck. I can't believe it. I followed all the rules of growing, and I'm about to get busted. I open the door and ask what do you want? They ask if my brother lives here. I say yes and go get him for them. They then deliver the certified piece of mail to him. It's a fucking court paper....he was being served by his ex wife.

I ask him about it and he tells me the whole story about not accepting it from the post officer who tried to deliver it earlier. he THEN TELLS ME that HE KNEW the cops would be next to deliver it. CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT???? He knew they would come to this house, where we grow???? FUCK MAN!!! I almost punched him in the face (it wouldn't have been the first time either).

I explained to him that if he ever did something so fucking dumb again, then that would be it. He would be moving out, and growing at this house would be done and over with. I don't fucking care!!! I'd quit. I'm not getting busted because of stupidity like that.

Fuckin moron. Just thinking about it all makes me mad again.

I think he understands now. the thing is, he's actually a very intelligent person. Just makes dumb decisions sometimes. That one was the dumbest of all time though.
