WTF Is Our Country Doing?


Well-Known Member
The are depending on the fact that most of us are fucking stupid. This is how it has worked in the past. They got away with 9/11. I mean Jesus Christ. The propaganda/programing machine was on full blast then and has been ever since.

You do realize how stupid most Americans are right?

This is why they are getting away with what they are getting away with as we talk about it. They are STEALING ALL OF OUR MONEY RIGHT NOW.

The whole federal reserve system is a scam. Congress is suppossed to print our money not a privately owned bank. The FED prints the money and then lends it to the government at interest. So we have to pay to use their!!! And people are so fucking stupid they think its worth something. Rappers throw it around in music videos. It just makes me laugh.

But they can't possible kill all the people the plan on killing unless they use nuclear weapons. It just isn't possible.

That is why the whole calamity of 2012 is important to research. I have read that the government knows that serious shit is going to go down and a lot of people are going to be caught off guard and die...then they will implement the genocide after a massive amount of people has died. They are going for broke on this. They are fucking crazy...literally. They are maniacle powerhungry lunatics.

To be honest I think their whole plan is falling apart more and more every day. They still haven't gotten the guns: the next "terror" attack probably will though. Plus their plans for world population reduction was suppossed to begin in 2000. But they keep getting pushed back. The world is waking up and "we aint gonna take it" haha.

I love it. I swear I can smell revolution in the air.


New Member
The are depending on the fact that most of us are fucking stupid. This is how it has worked in the past. They got away with 9/11. I mean Jesus Christ. The propaganda/programing machine was on full blast then and has been ever since.

You do realize how stupid most Americans are right?

This is why they are getting away with what they are getting away with as we talk about it. They are STEALING ALL OF OUR MONEY RIGHT NOW.

The whole federal reserve system is a scam. Congress is suppossed to print our money not a privately owned bank. The FED prints the money and then lends it to the government at interest. So we have to pay to use their!!! And people are so fucking stupid they think its worth something. Rappers throw it around in music videos. It just makes me laugh.

But they can't possible kill all the people the plan on killing unless they use nuclear weapons. It just isn't possible.

That is why the whole calamity of 2012 is important to research. I have read that the government knows that serious shit is going to go down and a lot of people are going to be caught off guard and die...then they will implement the genocide after a massive amount of people has died. They are going for broke on this. They are fucking crazy...literally. They are maniacle powerhungry lunatics.

To be honest I think their whole plan is falling apart more and more every day. They still haven't gotten the guns: the next "terror" attack probably will though. Plus their plans for world population reduction was suppossed to begin in 2000. But they keep getting pushed back. The world is waking up and "we aint gonna take it" haha.

I love it. I swear I can smell revolution in the air.

Sniff, sniff, I smell tinfoil hats around here somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. The revolution has began. The left/right paradigm has been exposed. VI i believe it Thomas Jefferson was your hero and he said:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I guess it is going to take mass genocide in this country for people to realize that this whole NWO thing is real. They certainly don't care that all of their money is being stolen as we speak. Oh yeah Obamas cabinet is full of ex wall street bankers but his rhetoric is always against them.


Well-Known Member
What you are smelling is the beginning of a revolution, Med. Take a real good whiff ... before your blood is running red in the streets.

You need to be put in a home old man, you are a danger to Democracy. Sara Palin didn't when Vi you and your "tea party" wannabe militia buddies need to get over it! The government isn't going be run your way anymore.


Well-Known Member
To me it doesn't even matter if 9/11 was an inside job anymore. Look what they did after 9/11 all that patriot act shit was as much for us as for anything else they just blanket the nation with BS.

They must see this shit coming to a head. They will do something some event to shift public attention from them watch...


Well-Known Member
You need to be put in a home old man, you are a danger to Democracy. Sara Palin didn't when Vi you and your "tea party" wannabe militia buddies need to get over it! The government isn't going be run your way anymore.
a very small hand full of intelligent men.
VERY SMALL hand full will bring your communist dreams to a end.
you liberals rely on government to make your living for you.
what happens when there is no government?
who will feed you and protect you from your local right wing christian militia?
as if they would come after you directly.
the major problem i see happening to the government is almost everyone is going to stop paying tax..especialy any more tax than we already have extorted from us by threat of imprisonment.
when everyone stops buying or selling to avoid the tax things will move more and more to the black market as inflation increases from the government spending money without income to pay their bills..they have already started to devalue your currency , BIG TIME.
all of this same bull shit as been tried and failed through out history..
i guess i shouldnt say it failed.normaly the communists can rule with a iron hand after all of their goals are complete.
the largest problem standing in their way is a armed populace..they hate the fucking shit.
and will do what ever they can to disarm us.
you notice how the dems always lead the charge on the disarmament band wagon.
i i were a liberal i wouldnt want a armed american population either.:sleep::sleep:


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the patriots are once again readying themselves for war, as a vet i am glad to see it happening in my lifetime.

"There is a storm coming to this country and the only question left is, when it hits, what side are you going to be on? Will you be willing to give your life for the ideals in which your country was founded? Will you be willing to take a life of someone you once knew as neighbor, friend, brother? We are nearing the brink, the edge at which the final spark will push this country into something it has never seen. Like all great nations, America will eventually fall, the question then is shall we rebuild it to again cater to foreign politics or shall we remake a new republic, a new country in which the visions of our forefathers will be set upon a pedestal and the bill of rights, the ten commandments of government if you will, will once again be the law. The second amendment was given not to protect our hunting or to protect our homes from burglars, the second amendment, the right of all people to keep and bear arms is the amendment we must exercise when the protections of all others have failed.
No longer, will we stand idly by as our "leaders" throw our constitution into the wind.
No longer, will we watch as our freedoms are stripped and diminished.
No longer, will we allow our government to infest our homes, reaching out with a taloned hand grabbing at anything we might call our own.
No, no longer will we sit and watch as helpless bystanders to history. We who are prepared to give anything shall gain everything, our country will once again rally around a single word, freedom. Freedom which has been consistently stripped and pealed away over the last century. Freedom to give our children the future that THEY wish to make it. Freedom to once again have a government FOR the people, BY, the people."

That speech excerpt(written by me) is hereby my first act of war against the savages who rule this country. We shall be heard or we shall make ourselves heard. When that final push over the brink comes, what side will you be on?


Well-Known Member
Where were you during the the election, you know that thing that happened a couple months ago.
our elections have failed us because there is no choice, democrat/republican, there is no longer any difference between the two. One wants a socialist state, the other wants a cumunistic state. the two parties have merged ideologically and the true conservatives know this. there is no conservative vs liberals in DC there are liberals vs socialists. I am neither dem nor repub, i am a constitutionalist, and as the forefathers of this country did in their own time i am willing to be called traitor to the crown to give a hope of change to my home.


Well-Known Member
No DrGreenz you're an AMERICAN. Haha. A real Patriot. Most people don't want to believe that the politcal system that DOES NOT WORK, is not SUPPOSED to work. Or at least not for us, the real Americans. And as Americans have every right to overthrow the government that has clearly become tyrannical. Mainly people are way too identified with being a "liberal" or a "conservative" and are playing into the hands of the people that run the show. DIVIDE AND CONQUER is the motto. They pit us against each other so we can't see whats going on behind our backs.


Well-Known Member
No DrGreenz you're an AMERICAN. Haha. A real Patriot. Most people don't want to believe that the politcal system that DOES NOT WORK, is not SUPPOSED to work. Or at least not for us, the real Americans. And as Americans have every right to overthrow the government that has clearly become tyrannical. Mainly people are way too identified with being a "liberal" or a "conservative" and are playing into the hands of the people that run the show. DIVIDE AND CONQUER is the motto. They pit us against each other so we can't see whats going on behind our backs.
That's right bob. We have the right (endowed by God and the founding fathers) to overthrow tyranny, and our government has become that more than ever. This is such an great country, arguably the best on the planet... we can't let these criminals take it over and use our country as a tool to dominate the world. We need to march before they finish off our economy or do something terrible to us and blame it on someone else.


Well-Known Member
Too many people know that 9/11 was an inside job. So the next "terror attack" will be as well. Except the next one will not be blamed on someone else. It will be blamed on "homegrown terrorist." Remember they haven't gotten our guns yet. Obama is one SLICK mother fucker. There is a reason for it. He will be the one they try the full blown in your face tyranny with. And all the suckers will fall for it. I hope people wake up when they start callin for guns but you know some will turn the in.

We really don't need guns to beat this thing. We need to do what always works and that is peace non cooperation. We just don't use their shitstem anymore. We grow our own food, we become independent. We stop paying taxes. That is real revolution. Not shooting at them. Thats what they want so they can use our military against us...or occupy us with UN forces.


New Member
You need to be put in a home old man, you are a danger to Democracy..
Well, first of all Natrone, allow me, in retaliation to your personal attack, say this: Fuck you! You are a complete dunce and a fucking dupe.

With that said, has it occurred to you yet that your stupid vote for Obama was a vote for a leftist NeoCon?

Has it occurred to you yet that Obama is going back on most of his campaign promises?

Has it occurred to you yet that Obama is continuing the nation building ... and "making the world safe for democracy" in the Middle East?

Has it occurred to you yet that Obama will be turning Afghanistan into our new era Vietnam?

Has it occurred to you yet, that there is no constitutional authority for the bailouts of the financial institutions?

Has it occurred to you yet that we have a criminal gang that has taken over the executive branch of our government and they are rapidly draining the economic future of your children, grandchildren and even your great grandchildren?

Has it occurred to you yet that this criminal gang has the complete support of a Marxist/fascist leaning media, congress and senate?

Has it occurred to you yet that we are entering into an age of the New Fascist America?

Has it occurred to you yet that you, and other's like you, are nothing but, in Lenin's words, "Useful Idiots?

Now go pound sand. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
This evening I stood outside my back door and as I gaze out across an open field and into the distant trees I find myself wondering how in a world so vast and so intertwined would I turn a country into one unified front in which I am above all else. A country in which I was their Messiah, I was their only perceived hope. As I think of this the past 70 years scrolls through my consciousness, I see wars started over and over with no direct threat to us, I see police actions becoming more authoritative, I see a world being built with a natural distrust of anyone else, I see a world in which currency means little more than everyone having a clearer television, a faster car, a bigger house, and finally I see the threat as that system begins to come full circle. I see banks foreclosing as new homeowners panic in a state of denial as their government mandated mortgages are finally called in, I see families retreating back as lending slows forcing companies to produce layoffs. I see the people, every soul in this country crying out as their false pleasures are rapidly being eroded by this new perceived enemy. I see them stepping ever closer to the edge of catastrophe, and then I see a light. One final act of desperation as they freely give up their liberties in the name of economic safety. They give up their liberty to fail and thus they give up their will to try. This is where I step in. I bring them hope of a new era, an era in which we are no longer slaves to the tyrannical corporations which have led us into this calamity. And I convince them that only the people themselves should own the corporations, rather the people who have been raised up to sit at my side. Those of us who have been elected now sit atop the pyramid of corporate power, we are the judges of what is made, what is given as payment, and how our products are used. For once I had owned the very economic infrastructure this country so heavily relied upon, I owned the country. With one last push I let slip away any semblance of capitalism in the name of equality. And thus I was the peoples' breadwinner, the one man who single handedly gave the people a new chance at an economic future, equal to all others in this world. And as their savior they would praise my name in the streets, no longer shall there be need for elections, for I have brought about a new era of what has been this "American experiment." And as the glories of equallity faded this world was left with the one undeniable truth to which I had helped blind them, the people of this country were weak. It took but one single word to bring about my rise to absolute power, and that word was, hope...


Well-Known Member
This evening I stood outside my back door and as I gaze out across an open field and into the distant trees I find myself wondering how in a world so vast and so intertwined would I turn a country into one unified front in which I am above all else. A country in which I was their Messiah, I was their only perceived hope. As I think of this the past 70 years scrolls through my consciousness, I see wars started over and over with no direct threat to us, I see police actions becoming more authoritative, I see a world being built with a natural distrust of anyone else, I see a world in which currency means little more than everyone having a clearer television, a faster car, a bigger house, and finally I see the threat as that system begins to come full circle. I see banks foreclosing as new homeowners panic in a state of denial as their government mandated mortgages are finally called in, I see families retreating back as lending slows forcing companies to produce layoffs. I see the people, every soul in this country crying out as their false pleasures are rapidly being eroded by this new perceived enemy. I see them stepping ever closer to the edge of catastrophe, and then I see a light. One final act of desperation as they freely give up their liberties in the name of economic safety. They give up their liberty to fail and thus they give up their will to try. This is where I step in. I bring them hope of a new era, an era in which we are no longer slaves to the tyrannical corporations which have led us into this calamity. And I convince them that only the people themselves should own the corporations, rather the people who have been raised up to sit at my side. Those of us who have been elected now sit atop the pyramid of corporate power, we are the judges of what is made, what is given as payment, and how our products are used. For once I had owned the very economic infrastructure this country so heavily relied upon, I owned the country. With one last push I let slip away any semblance of capitalism in the name of equality. And thus I was the peoples' breadwinner, the one man who single handedly gave the people a new chance at an economic future, equal to all others in this world. And as their savior they would praise my name in the streets, no longer shall there be need for elections, for I have brought about a new era of what has been this "American experiment." And as the glories of equallity faded this world was left with the one undeniable truth to which I had helped blind them, the people of this country were weak. It took but one single word to bring about my rise to absolute power, and that word was, hope...

Dr Greenz, most of that's only fit for the rubbish heap.

In short, the majority of the fortune 500 are publicly owned corporations. People are capable to purchase stakes in them, and own them, it does however take money to purchase a stake in them.

But it is considerable cheaper to do so then for instance, me attempting to purchase a stake in my boss's business, which would require me purchasing at least 10% of the business for the idea to be even entertained by my boss. Instead I can invest $50 and get a small share of GE, or MNRTA or Friedman Industries, or WHI, or any other company I care to look at.

In essence you are pushing the socialist idiocy of people getting something for nothing. Capitalism is a much better system, because it ensures that independent operators that are not salary slaves for the corporations or the government can reap benefits in accordance to the perceived value of their contribution to society through their business.

The glory of Capitalism can be summed up in a simple phrase, "To each according to their desire to work for it."


Well-Known Member
Dr Greenz, most of that's only fit for the rubbish heap.

In short, the majority of the fortune 500 are publicly owned corporations. People are capable to purchase stakes in them, and own them, it does however take money to purchase a stake in them.

But it is considerable cheaper to do so then for instance, me attempting to purchase a stake in my boss's business, which would require me purchasing at least 10% of the business for the idea to be even entertained by my boss. Instead I can invest $50 and get a small share of GE, or MNRTA or Friedman Industries, or WHI, or any other company I care to look at.

In essence you are pushing the socialist idiocy of people getting something for nothing. Capitalism is a much better system, because it ensures that independent operators that are not salary slaves for the corporations or the government can reap benefits in accordance to the perceived value of their contribution to society through their business.

The glory of Capitalism can be summed up in a simple phrase, "To each according to their desire to work for it."
I think you may have mistaken a lot of what I said being metaphors and euphemisms(ie. the people = the government, ect) I was talking about how so many people are more than willing to give up the right to become what they want and more importantly the right to fail, for a politician telling them they will be ok. It was basically a retyping of an old Lennin quote which i simply put into context to show that socialism breeds coruption and tyranny. I am probably the most conservative, pro capitalism person many people will ever talk to.
Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
I think you may have mistaken a lot of what I said being metaphors and euphemisms(ie. the people = the government, ect) I was talking about how so many people are more than willing to give up the right to become what they want and more importantly the right to fail, for a politician telling them they will be ok. It was basically a retyping of an old Lennin quote which i simply put into context to show that socialism breeds coruption and tyranny. I am probably the most conservative, pro capitalism person many people will ever talk to.
Peace bro.

:: shrugs ::

It happens...

I jump eagerly onto my stump.

Though I think the biggest problem is trying to characterize it as a choice between Capitalism and Socialism.

It is that, but it's also a choice between Freedom and Slavery, Liberty or Tyranny, Owner Management of Capitalism or Bureaucratic Managment of Capitalism.

The Republicans fail to package themselves adequately.

If they actually attacked the left on the right grounds they'd win.

First the left says they are for liberty but wants to increase the tyranny of the State.

The left says they are for democracy but want more government control of everyone.

The left says they are for freedom, but they want to limit it to just their special interest groups.

The left says they are for enriching everyone, but their economic system guarantees massive increases in poverty.

Though I did have an amusing thought.

If the Socialists ever got to the point where they accomplished their goals of abolishing the state, we'd have a Capitalist system again.

Of course they will never accomplish that goal, because every time they interfere in the economy it makes the problems worse, and to them the solution is always the same, "MORE GOVERNMENT, MORE BUREAUCRATS."

They have yet to understand that commanding an economy to work guarantees that it will do anything but work the way you want.

Carving exemptions in the tax code leads to malinvestment

Treating special interest groups differently from the general population leads to malinvestment.

MALINVESTMENT IS BAD, because it leads to bubbles, and crashes, and wastes a great amount of the wealth of countries.

It's like the post I made with the article from regarding the government subsidizing jaguars. Eventually everyone has all the Jaguars they want, but the government is forced to lower prices, because it wants to keep on giving them away, not understanding that by doing so it has destroyed the intrinsic and numismatic value of the vehicles it is giving away.

Or another commodity to look at it is air. Everyone has it, there's no way to control it, (though the government is working on it with their CO2 taxes, don't exhale people....) so there is no intrinsic or numismatic value on air.

Same with credit. Interest rates are a way of the market to determine the cost of borrowing. This places controls on borrowing. Instead of letting the market control borrowing the government thinks it can. The result is a bubble and then a crash, and it gets repeated.

Clinton - Internet Crash
Bush - Housing Crash

Though instead of applying the name of the Presidents perhaps the names of the Central Bankers should be applied.

Greenspan - Internet Crash
Bernanke - Housing Crash

The State is Psychotic. It repeats the same things over and over again expecting different results. One would assume that all those idiots running around D.C. with degrees in Economics would actually have a little historical knowledge.

Dutch Tulip Mania
First Bank of the United States
Second Bank of the United States
Fiat/Debased Currencies (Colonial Scrip, Lincoln Greenbacks, US Federal Reserve Notes)

All have failed due to economic reality, but the government insists on repeating the experiment over and over again trying to get different results.

Usually to the detriment of the United States. then the government insists that it knows how to "fix" the problem by taking away more freedom, taking away more liberty, and imposing more control on the economy.

Nice Sig


Well-Known Member
the government isnt the solution to the problem.THEY ARE THE PROBLEM
you guys try and stick with the simple quotes and talking points..
you want alot of people on your side. K.I.S.S.
people because of being simple minded ...remember simple quotes easy.
just like all war fronts you must use propaganda against the enemy.
as most of the good propaganda is true. just make simple quotes that are truthfull and use them.dont write novels.
such things as a government large enough to give you everything you want is also large enough to take everything you have.
of course my favorite.GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE SOLUTION ..IT IS THE true can it be>?