WTAF: just look


2) Growing indoor or outdoors: indoors
3) Watering schedule: six days a week, under a two day feed, one day just water with molasses once a week.
4) Growing Medium: organic soil with 20% perlite and a little scoop of bonemeal per bad mixed in.
5) What stage of growth: early veg

Nutes: General Organics grow sched at approx 80% strength

Just really weak start to the plant, hat to stake it. This plant has been growing almost two months while its sibling of the same dinafem genetics thrive.
I just mix bonemeal in with the soil when i mix the soil up. It is not a constant thing, just a one time thing. Plants seem to like it!


Well-Known Member
Clone or seed? I've had a clone do that before.. I just went honey and dirt and it blended in with the group never to be seen again


Well-Known Member
bit of a runt maybe it had some early issues with its tap root

I`m always 50/50 on what to do with the slower ones

If you veg them longer then you end up with too many in veg and the slower growers always seem the most likely to get bugs or get sick or root rot

Just veg it a week to a month longer then flower it

If it don`t do much just remove all the lower branches so it makes you a nice little lollypop sometimes slow veggers pull it around in flower

but I would pot that up a bit deeper and put some rocks or clay pebbles or perlite on the top of the soil as it`ll stop bugs from finding a home in your soil or your plant.
bit of a runt maybe it had some early issues with its tap root

I`m always 50/50 on what to do with the slower ones

If you veg them longer then you end up with too many in veg and the slower growers always seem the most likely to get bugs or get sick or root rot

Just veg it a week to a month longer then flower it

If it don`t do much just remove all the lower branches so it makes you a nice little lollypop sometimes slow veggers pull it around in flower

but I would pot that up a bit deeper and put some rocks or clay pebbles or perlite on the top of the soil as it`ll stop bugs from finding a home in your soil or your plant.
Thank you for the reply! Lots of good info in there! I want to flower more of my plants, however I flower in a few grow tent which is 4*3' and I already have three plants flowering in there so it is a bit too crowded in there
sounds like you need a 2nd flower room or somewhere outside you can bud them ?
I totally do need another room or a larger tent. I have a 700W led but only a 3*4*5' tent. I also have a veg room but i have too many plants (cannabis and other) under a 600W MH.

Outside is most definitely not an option as we have about a foot of snow and a high of 12F outside today haha.

After i crop out i will pursue a larger tent


Well-Known Member
Just looks like a dud. In my experince they grow slower and produce less than the other plants it was cloned with.
I would just take her out and train the plants around her to fill in the space. Perhaps a super crop and a fimm.