wow, webbing, i've never let it go this far


Well-Known Member
i'm shutting it all down in a week. gonna paint, seal all the cracks and epoxy the floor. until then, i wanna see what they will do. hehehehe


Well-Known Member
this is nuts!!!!! look at it now!!!!!! i shut it all down. lights off. rooms closed for remodeling.......



Well-Known Member
i had bug problem outside last month.. roots where covered in those powdery covered white flying things.. hadda soil wash and crush them all.. they stoped f-ing around my baby i made an example of the flying things and lite them on fire with lighter fluid


Well-Known Member
why not try bacilius thurgensis thuricide it's a natural bacteria that controls flies moths and fungus as well as catepillars and other things, also try ladybugs for spider mites or aphids


Active Member
so whats the actual best way to kill spider mites? my mate has a few on his thai, way more black ones than red. we bought sum stuff but it only says reduces spider mites, not eradicates.. how do we kill the little buggers?????!?


Well-Known Member
spidermites are our worst enemy!! iv had them that bad, they can fucc a whole crop if u let it go, got to get ahold of the problem quick, after you clen and bomb your room, try ''hot shots''they carry them at home depot they come in single blue package, and really help keep them a way but its only a deterative, not a answer, ther worst than roaches!!