Wow! That Kush is some good shit!


New Member
Whether he smokes herb or not is not the issue, although, I wonder if I'd like the president to be max stoned during a crises, that nuclear football would cure a lot of ills in the world, but also cause a lot more. I can make judgement on some things he promised during his campaign and is backpeddling on, like single payer, stopping torture, pulling troops from Iraq. Why is he talking about building a 700+ million dollar embassy in Packistan. Even I as a laymen could tell you that will inflame the muslims, cause much more shit than we have now and be counter-productive. I'm starting to see some cracks in the Obama dream.


Well-Known Member
I'm very econimically and politically astute. But lets face it the man has only been in office a sort time and he inherited this mess.
You on the other hand have sour grapes.
your soooo astute you dont know what 18 trillion dollars in extra debt is..spent in six months...and you will reserve judgement when he has spent a quadzillion dollars then make a judgment as to what kind of job he is are just another socialist..
massive debt..government defaulting on its loans and HYPER INFLATION will be the order of the day..lets see you run cover for your socialist then.


Well-Known Member
How soon you forget about the 11 trillion that his predecessor spent fighting a war that we didn't need to be in, all the while neglecting the first war he started.
Hey I bet you even forget about how much money Herbert Hoover threw at the problem back in the depression of the 1930's. Obama isn't doing anything new. The only difference is that Obama is a democrat and Hoover was a republican.
Guess what, we had the same mess with hyper inflation back in the 30's and again in the 70's it's nothing new and it's cyclic.
You blame this all on Obama,you forget that his predecessor defaulted on his loans. Again he inherited this mess.
Besides this country had already gone to socialism long before he came along, your just too dumb to realize it.
Try again.


Well-Known Member
How soon you forget about the 11 trillion that his predecessor spent fighting a war that we didn't need to be in, all the while neglecting the first war he started.
Hey I bet you even forget about how much money Herbert Hoover threw at the problem back in the depression of the 1930's. Obama isn't doing anything new. The only difference is that Obama is a democrat and Hoover was a republican.
Guess what, we had the same mess with hyper inflation back in the 30's and again in the 70's it's nothing new and it's cyclic.
You blame this all on Obama,you forget that his predecessor defaulted on his loans. Again he inherited this mess.
Besides this country had already gone to socialism long before he came along, your just too dumb to realize it.
Try again.
It must be know, just making it up as you go along. It never even occurred to me that it could be done that way. Honesty, it's a bitch, you lucky dog you.


Well-Known Member
How soon you forget about the 11 trillion that his predecessor spent fighting a war that we didn't need to be in, all the while neglecting the first war he started.
Hey I bet you even forget about how much money Herbert Hoover threw at the problem back in the depression of the 1930's. Obama isn't doing anything new. The only difference is that Obama is a democrat and Hoover was a republican.
Throwing money at the problem didn't work then why would it work now?


Well-Known Member
dank is one of these guys.
he just sucks off the balls of the democrats ...and the system..some people it is in THEIR best interest to keep the ponzi scheme going we call the USA is in some peoples power interest to expand the powers of government outside the constitution..they want total order to get total power they are going to have to bankrupt the economy and make people dependent upon them..they are however toooooo fucking dumb to pull it off without the same thing happening that has always happened to dictatorship economys...MOST EVERYONE BUT A FEW STARVE..and the few have all the power and money. ..that fucking pesky second ammendment though has them in a box.again..check out this will not understand what the mentality of people like dank dude are' but you will know what they are all about.
you just wont understand the logic behind their thinking..