wow germinated seed broke through the surface in 2 days!


Well-Known Member
i was pretty impressed i started a seed off germinating on a thursday night checked friday after work and the tip was already 1/2 long so i transplaned to 1 inch rockwool sat morning poked it down 1/4 inch and by night it has already broke the surface. Now i'm worried it will grow 2 fast as my first batch of plants are coming to the end of flowering 2 weeks left and i dont want to veg this seed under flourescents for stretching purposes, i want to start under my 250 mh then go to my 400wat mh. do you guys think 2 weeks under 4 foot tubes will be fine? It is just one plant that i'm growing for a mother but i want it to be at it's maximum potential.


Well-Known Member
Stretching purposing? Why would they stretch under flouros? Lots of people veg with flouros with no stretching just make sure the light is close to the plants


Well-Known Member
As long as you go on a light cycle, Proper ventilation, Lights are at a good distance near the plants you will be fine.


Active Member
Well, my seeds germ'd fast too, but now they are growing slow. Could just be ideal germinating conditions.


Well-Known Member
ya i heard fast germinating seeds are'nt as good as slower germinating seeds i wonder why this is. I used a humid dome with a seed germinating blanket under it. It works awesome you can feel the warmth when you raise the lid.