would you top on your first grow?


Well-Known Member
the yield will be smaller i think, but they will still grow to maturity
It is a lot smaller. I did it with an Ultraviolet freebie after I saw someone just laying into this person for asking if anyone tried doing 12/12 with an auto.


Active Member
Yes- I HAVE tried topping different strains- some are excellent-- others it Fucked-up royally ...
as I have said (in other posts)-
Draig and I have grown over 125 strains...
and YES many (if not most) do fine if FIM'd or topped--
HOWEVER: as I CLEARLY stated- a FEW STRAINS do not like to be topped at all- and will stunt / not yield.. even their BREEDERS say specifically "does not respond well to topping or tying"...

I mean really-- how much CLEARER does one need to make their statement?
I was not GENERALIZING all plants-- I specifically said that he needed to get familiar with whatever it is he is growing THEN experiment with it ...

F** me.. you are such a pissy little bitch when people don't agree with you!!


Well-Known Member
F** me.. you are such a pissy little bitch when people don't agree with you!!
Nonsense, I'm always like that. It does describe you quite well though, but that's what reflecting is all about isn't it. Just as assuming that I would care whether people agree in the first place, that's just all you. I fully trust the OP to be wise enough to make his own informed decision.

even their BREEDERS say specifically "does not respond well to topping or tying"
Right, as in not worth doing it to increase the yield. Not as in be careful beginners you might kill your plants if you do. And again: "scrog"

If it's the parroting comment that got you upset, I apologize. If it's for simply not considering your advice as great as you think it is than well, join the club.


Do it veg another 10 days b 4 u flip. If its a huge bush hung about topping more branches. Only thing that's going to happen is lower growth expanding out you'll get more bushy growth. Don't be scared


Active Member
I tried topping on my first outdoor grow(starting my first indoor in about a week) Its seemed to stunt the growth of my plants. They stopped growing tall and just grew bushier. Produced small shitty buds. Any ideas what happened? Shocked them or something??


Active Member
Nonsense, I'm always like that. It does describe you quite well though, but that's what reflecting is all about isn't it. Just as assuming that I would care whether people agree in the first place, that's just all you. I fully trust the OP to be wise enough to make his own informed decision.

Right, as in not worth doing it to increase the yield. Not as in be careful beginners you might kill your plants if you do. And again: "scrog"

If it's the parroting comment that got you upset, I apologize. If it's for simply not considering your advice as great as you think it is than well, join the club.
Not the parroting comment- the fat that you twist what I said and still are-- I never told anyone it would kill their plant- I said it could slow and stunt it...
You have issues with Women standing up for themselves or what? THIS attitude is why there are so few women her at RIU-- they get treated like shit and leave .... because of a few trolls like you.... Sad... so many others could be interacting and LEARNING instead of dealing with guys who feel the need for a pissing match on every subject.

There is NO one right way to grow-- no one is going to always agree on things...
But if you only focus on PART of someones post and rant about it instead of reading the whole thing and at least ATTEMPT to understand their point- you look like an ass...
or maybe you just are...


Active Member
I tried topping on my first outdoor grow(starting my first indoor in about a week) Its seemed to stunt the growth of my plants. They stopped growing tall and just grew bushier. Produced small shitty buds. Any ideas what happened? Shocked them or something??
sounds like you should have lollipopped instead of topped...or both.


Well-Known Member
Not the parroting comment- the fat that you twist what I said and still are-- I never told anyone it would kill their plant- I said it could slow and stunt it...
You have issues with Women standing up for themselves or what? THIS attitude is why there are so few women her at RIU-- they get treated like shit and leave .... because of a few trolls like you.... Sad... so many others could be interacting and LEARNING instead of dealing with guys who feel the need for a pissing match on every subject.

There is NO one right way to grow-- no one is going to always agree on things...
But if you only focus on PART of someones post and rant about it instead of reading the whole thing and at least ATTEMPT to understand their point- you look like an ass...
or maybe you just are...
Ok... backing off slowly... what a load of far fetched nonsense. I'm actually sorry to hear you think that (messed up) way but don't project your issues on me, I don't care what's between your legs.

You are no lady, lady.

Oh and uhm.... the "you are a troll because you disagree with my ultimate wisdom" doesn't really work at riu :lol: (with all the actual trolls...).

Keep parroting your textbook info, I will happily dispute it when I think it's appropriate.


Well-Known Member
I've been topping since my 2nd grow, not a single plant has responded poorly. Which strains do not respond well to topping?