Would This Work?


Active Member
I like the Aerogardens a lot. Im assuming it just holds one plant? One plant is fine either way to get started. Its small I like it , it looks like it can be put anywhere.


Well-Known Member
It is definitely a good start I like the looks of it. Don't want to burst any bubbles but I wouldn't vouch for the lights provided. If you haven't bought anything yet and planned on growing right to flower in that setup I bet it would work (poorly in later growth due to too few lights) however if you want to get going for 100$ range then buy a 400W MH/HPS setup off ebay grab a pot, some soil and you are off and running. If you really want to do hydro like I did then still get the light and find that setup with out a light or build your own. To give you an idea I placed 16 x 2' HO 6500K T5's in a area approximately the same size as that thing is going to be and it comes with 2 x 2' HO T8 4500K. Long story short it will work but would work really really well if you bought a big dumb ass 250W 400W 600W or 1000W light first :D The 250 and 400 are the same price range as that thing.