Would my setup give off a heat signature


Well-Known Member
How yall doin? First post on rollitup and about to start my first aeroponic grow. I've tried organic and got real good results with white widow. My question to all you buddha lovaz is that if I had a 600W HPS running in a room about 10ft by 10 ft and maybe 16 ft high, would it make enough to heat to exhaust out of my house and leave a heat signature for the helicopters and narcs out there? All input is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Do you mean if your grow can be detected by hot air that's exhausted? If so no, there is material that can avoid being seen through infrared systems which is sold online.


Well-Known Member
Well sorta. I know the exhaust is the only thing that matters. But how about if my grow area was connected to 2 or 3 bigger rooms, would the heat circulate so much that it's temperature cool off? I'm talkin a huge place. Plus i would insulate all windows of course. I've heard about the reflective material but what is it? And how would I make sure it works?


Well-Known Member
If you want to check if it works you can ask the police to fly over your house and ask them if they see a heat source. Really though, 1kooguy is right, odor should be your first concern.


Well-Known Member
Yea i meant the only thing as far as heat because they cant invade your privacy and check inside. Well, they can, but they cant use that as evidence or anything. Odor isnt a problem for me


Well-Known Member
hey u could always like u said if its a big house have some ac's running or some fans running in each room to cool them off and crack the window a little so the coolded heat will leave slowly out the house this way u wont have a big ass cloud of heat at once leaving


Well-Known Member
thats a big area and especialy if its open to other rooms it should be fine! im using a 400w lamp in a 2x3x6 foot area and its not a horable amount of heat. with the cieling that high you will need some fans blowing right up at the cieling. to tell you the truth you could get one or two of those standing in room a/c units. the hardest part of growing is space and you have an overabundance, lucky. your setup should be optimal. make sure its clean!