would leavin my plants on it flowering an extra week increase my yeild???


would leavin my plants on it flowering an extra week increase my yeild???
theyve been in for 6 weeks but am bebatin would it be worth leavin an extra week?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i run mine from 8 week min flowering to 12-14 weeks depending strain and how long took to go into proper flowering. also if plant been stressed may need longer


Well-Known Member
My brother turned me on to doing a partial harvest. He said that the top branches of his plant were maturing faster than lower
branches. So, rather than chop down the entire plant - he removes the top 3 or 4 ripest branches and leaves the rest of the plant
to continue flowering a week or more. I did notice that when you look at trichomes to determine ripeness that tris at the top of the plant also ripen



Well-Known Member
^^ That is a good way to go if you have the time to do so. It keeps you from cutting buds that are not 100% ready.