would 3/4 of one of those small bottles of robitussin give me any high/trip at all?


Well-Known Member
look bro youll learn sooner or later that that shit is chemicals and it will kill you, dont fuck with it, smoke weed drink beer and eat shrooms. Those are the only safe things..
do u not realize how many people die from alcohol each year? im not saying i dont drink but its real not safe haha


Well-Known Member
So you cant o.d on robuttuson? like half a bottle to 2 bottles wont kill ya? wow they warn not to take more than 7 servings on the bottle ha

Really bored and have half a bottle of robuttuson and no $ for weed.. this'll be fun ?


Well-Known Member
o no way man u can safely take up to 1500 mg of dextromethamorphan hbr and two 4 ounce bottles of tussin is roughly 300mg....half a bottle will make u feel it but it prob wont be that fun itll be really weak


Well-Known Member
cool man thanks, I'm about to eat.. does eating help prevent nausea? or make it worse :D should I eat before or after?
well idk everytime ive done syrup ive puked at the peak but ive never taken such a small dose...the puking actually makes the trip much better and it feels nice so idk prob eat lightly or wait for the peak...u might puke so idk


Well-Known Member
dude smokin weed helps alot and DO NOT EAT PASTA like everyone i hang wit that has ate pasta then drank the shit got real sick


Well-Known Member
dude smokin weed helps alot and DO NOT EAT PASTA like everyone i hang wit that has ate pasta then drank the shit got real sick
yea weed really helps ive only done dxm when i didnt have weed except omce so i yea dude but it definitely makes the high much more intense dude...haha


Well-Known Member
yeah i have done dxm couple times w/o weed and it was a nice trip but nothing like when u smoke weed wit it way better


Well-Known Member
Don't do it man.You will regret it so much.
Just go to a park.Stand around a bit looking suspicious and some dealer WILL come up to you.
I bet you will have weed in 20min. if you stand in a busy part of a busy park.
Im just telling you how to get it so you wont be stupid and take robotussin.


Well-Known Member
dude tussin aint that bad only bad part is the drinking and depending on weakness of stomach the vomit. i have done it many many of time and its straight. dont knock it till u try it yo


Well-Known Member
Don't do it man.You will regret it so much.
Just go to a park.Stand around a bit looking suspicious and some dealer WILL come up to you.
I bet you will have weed in 20min. if you stand in a busy part of a busy park.
Im just telling you how to get it so you wont be stupid and take robotussin.
dude dxm is NOTHING like weed the kid wants to try a different hig he probably has weed...i love to mix different things with weed man weed is like the most mellow recreational drug sumtimes u need sumthin a little stronger


Well-Known Member
exactly my point just try shit out see if u like then u can knock wut u dont like


Well-Known Member
I did try it 2 times.
I took the tussin gel caps.
Both times were scary as hell and seemed to last forever.


Well-Known Member
I did try it 2 times.
I took the tussin gel caps.
Both times were scary as hell and seemed to last forever.
scary?? haha shit man ill give ya props on the long as hell cuz i did it in my room once and it took forever u gotta go outside and chill with friends then its fun as fuck man but scary? how much u take?


Well-Known Member
yo i usually drink either 2 bottle or take 2 pill cap bottles and i never had a scary trip on them. Intense sometimes and always fun as hell. outside is always the best place to go when on it.


Active Member
hahahah I used to drink a bottle in chemistry like once a week, had a out of body experiance in a dark house off one and a half, truth is its fun, like being drunk with a bit more disasociation. half a bottle will do something but not much, just remember the more you take the more it does. two bottles isnt twice as strong as one bottle, theres platues.
There's is more about it on erowid, I would suggest CCC or coricidon. take like 10 of those or even eight youll be good. once you become a ccc junkie you can take 14 wait 4 hours take 8 more have an all day out of your mind time. oh, only buy the purple box the says HBP, "hiugh blood pressure" the other stuff is bad for you... same thing with the syrup, look for the bottle with only DXM if it has ANYTHING else dont take it, the dxm wont kill you.... the gwafamessin or whatever else is in there will, its like vicodin and tylinol theres only usually 5 mg of good stuff and 500 mg of tylinol, so people get tylinol poisining
its not that fun though, a better trip if your into the hole delerium thing is benadril.
buy the allergy ultra tab and take about 10-15 before your planning on going to bed.... only DONT GO TO SLEEP, wait about 45 min..... I found 45$ i lost like 7 times held it my hand only to have it disapere, i had a 5 min conversation with my friends head that was lying in my close pile, and then tried to walk to safeway at 5 am to get more only to relise i was smoking a lit cigarette in bed!!! oh i found that out after i was half way to safe way, definately get a sitter for this one.


Well-Known Member
yeah i have had a good amount of out of body trips. was also layin in my bed once toward the end of the trip and was yellin at my cousin in my extra room in some weird ass language. my friend said he has seen people tryin to steal shit out of my upstairs room.


Well-Known Member
There's is more about it on erowid, I would suggest CCC or coricidon. take like 10 of those or even eight youll be good. once you become a ccc junkie you can take 14 wait 4 hours take 8 more have an all day out of your mind time.

Triple c's have another active ingredient in it and can kill you do not do CCC


New Member
lol, don't do it! Get lean! go to the doctor and fake a cough, just say your uncontrollable coughing keeps you from sleeping at night... then he'll right you a prescription and you can go pick a bottle of lean up at the pharmacy. lol