

Active Member
Well, as anyone who has science in 4th grade knows, worms break up soils and let oxygen into the soil.

Has anyone tried adding worms into there gardens soil? I can't imagine small containers would work, but I know some people do 50 gallon containers for a plant.


Well-Known Member
i did it my first grow, 3 gallons, 24 nightcrawlers, added because it was my first grow and my soil drainage and everything were not what they should of been. just add worm castings and pearlite to your soil mixes, thats the easiest way.


Active Member
Years ago I grew in a bed of soil about 3'x8' I used worms in it, I figured they would break up the soil and help drainage.. who knows if they worked but they didnt hurt


Well-Known Member
ive added a few worms to mine and ive also done my homework. the worms dont eat dirt they eat rotting plants and wood. i havent had much luck my plants are kinda saggy and i found one of the worms on top of the soil dead he couldn't dig in the dirt for some reason but it should def give nutes to the plants