Worm Castings, and Worm Farm Soil, how much to USE????


Well-Known Member
So I stated a worm farm in one of my tumble style composters by accident. I had this pot of soil that I had used for a couple seasons and I decided to throw it into one of my composters. It had a bunch of worms in it and they bred and now I have a ton of worms living in my composter. I have been feeding them kitchen and garden scraps. So now its spring and I want to use all the goodies that I have in my composter. 1. How do I get it out without killing the worms? 2. How much should I mix with my soil (roots organic)? 3. Should I top or side dress the plants during the growing season with more? I have never had my own worms before so I am new to the home grown worm castings. thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if Roots already has castings/compost in it, but I'd say you can safely add around 25% castings to whatever the volume of the bag is. IE if the bag of Roots is 2 cubic feet, you could add 1/2cf of castings. I'd be sure to add equal part aeration bits to however much worm poo you use.

The other option (if you want to stretch those castings out to use in more soil down the road) is use the castings to brew compost teas. You can innoculate a shitload more soil with compost teas than you can straight castings