Worm casting VS LWC???

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok I will be cooking soil this tuesday. My problem is will Liquid worm casting work with cooking soil or is it better to use the normal casting? I was gonna mix all my dirt and Organic Nutes then pour it back in the whole then pour 2 gallons of LWC into the hole to activate everything.

This is the Liquid Casting I was going to buy.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't buy those liquid castings if I were you..

Most of the beneficial microbes will be dead by the time it arrives at your doorstep, and it seems over priced, considering you could make a couple hundred gallons of "liquid castings" with $23.00 worth of quality castings.

For sure get real deal worm castings to mix with your soil, and make your own teas with it as well.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't buy those liquid castings if I were you..

Most of the beneficial microbes will be dead by the time it arrives at your doorstep, and it seems over priced, considering you could make a couple hundred gallons of "liquid castings" with $23.00 worth of quality castings.

For sure get real deal worm castings to mix with your soil, and make your own teas with it as well.
Agreed with this, same with homebrew custom nute formulas vs pre-mix... If you have the time and want to dial in your strain exactly, exact NPK vs phase of growth can make a difference, while you save money at the same time.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I was going to buy the 30lb bag of worm casting seeing thats all i can afford after I have bought Kelp and Alfalfa Meal, Azomite, Dolomite, Bat guano, perlite, and top soil. You think I can stretch 30lb over 15, 25 gallon holes and just add more casting later on like a month from now? Each hole was going to be 20 gallons of super soil (everything mixed with Outside dirt) then the last top 5 gallons just top soil.
Agreed with this, same with homebrew custom nute formulas vs pre-mix... If you have the time and want to dial in your strain exactly, exact NPK vs phase of growth can make a difference, while you save money at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I really cant say you'll be able to stretch 1 bag that far, bagged castings are good but they arent fresh so you'll need to add a bit more but some is better than none, but more is better.... Its fine to use some and then add more, but try to get it in before if you can... I think 6-8 cups is what you wanna add to a basic 1.5CF bag of soil, but again more castings is better... Nothing can replace castings... castings are the blood of basically any organic soil mix... It can be interchanged with compost in some instances but know your compost before using it... Vermicompost (worm castings) and compost are similar in the fact that they supply micro-life to anything you use it on basically... If you buy compost you dont want it sterilized I believe, but do a little research before using it, I havent gotten to regular compost that far yet, I'm just starting to really dig into the world of organics and trying to figure it all out using subcools supersoil recipe and mixing it up with the rev's TLO style of growning kinda sorta... its a work in progress anyhow...

But I'm actually putting a worm farm together today, a couple rubbermaid containers with some worms and a bunch of junk that would be getting thrown out will make the best worm castings you CANT buy... Worth looking into if you have a little extra space that can handle the funky-ish-ness that garbage/food can bring... research.... If you have any kind of smart phone download a kindle app and grab yourself a copy of true living organics by the rev... I just read most of it this past weekend and theres a ton of good organic info and is meant for growers that have a clue... you dont have to sift through 900 pages of redundant basics... I wasnt really a fan of the rev but I gotta say the book was well worth the $10 download on amazon...

The only liquid worm casting (and guano) product thats any good that I know if is fox farms big bloom but its not something you can interchange with real castings but its a decent organic product none-the-less... As I've said and


Well-Known Member
The only liquid worm casting (and guano) product thats any good that I know if is fox farms big bloom
False. Please stop telling folks to buy fox farm products...big bloom is a joke. big bloom is to fresh worm castings as funyuns are to organic red onions. not even comparable.

OP, if you really want the goods, you need to find a local worm farmer or someone who can get you fresh castings. any castings out of a bag or a bottle aren't really going to cut it. do not go buy big bloom just cause homeboy said it was good...it isnt. don't listen to anyone at the hydro store, they are just trying to sell you on their products. find a real farmer, or someone who keeps worms...or start a worm bin yourself. id steer clear of all that other trash...

good luck

EDIT: oh yeah and for god sakes don't buy TLO...i purchased it a few months ago and immediately regretted it after reading a few chapters. there are a bunch of things in that book that made me cringe as an organic gardener...thats all i'm going to say. not worth the time or the money. the rev is a charlatan...


Well-Known Member
Cann, there is no need to be so pretentious. Rrog clued you in a few months ago, then you read a thread on ICmag, and now you're the expert on all things organic?

You have a lot of good info (that you read elsewhere), but take a page out of Rrogs book and have a little humility when sharing the knowledge. People will be more receptive, and appreciate it a hell of a lot more.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
it's hard to read folks advocating big bloom as a replacement for castings and not get a little upset.

wish I wouldve had folks tell me things like this when I was starting out. tough love. i know i'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar...but i'm not necessarily trying to catch flies here. just trying to save what appears to be a disaster in the making lol.

never claimed to be an expert by any means....and I give full credit to those who have taught me in the past. we're all learning...

and don't we all wish we were as humble and wise as Rrog? i definitely got a few years to go before I'll be in that place. Props to him for keeping a level head...but I can't just sit here and read what was posted without saying something. I don't want other folks to make the same mistakes I made in the past (buying bottled nutes instead of sourcing quality materials...). There is too much bad advice slung around RIU to just sit back and be complacent about it...

I feel you though. I'll try to be nicer. It's hard :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I suppose I am setting the bar pretty high using Rrog as an example.

I read (and learn from) a lot of your posts. I'm just scratching the surface of this no-bottles organics thing, and I'm pretty certain that what you're saying is correct, but for some folks sourcing every material and having a worm bin and a bokashi (sp) bucket just isn't feasible, so a bottle or two may just fill the gap and do a reasonable job for them. Silica is one good example of this.

Anyway, thanks for the response and the knowledge that you are sharing.


Well-Known Member
The only liquid worm casting (and guano) product thats any good that I know if is fox farms big bloom but its not something you can interchange with real castings but its a decent organic product none-the-less...

To bad that as smart as you are you dont read so well... Why are you always acting like a Jehovah's witness? Always preaching about how someone else's way is wrong and how yours is so right.... But in the past year, you've grown using just about every stoner science method around, no?... If my memory serves me correctly, less than a half a year ago you were using subcools supersoi right? What was wrong with that? Were you not running around preaching about how you need to PH AACT teas all whilst growing organically? Dont act like you know everything, you preach whatever method your using at the current moment like its gospel.... I dont think I'm mixing you up with someone else but I dont have the energy to go trolling and quote you as I have better shit to do... I'm fairly new grower myself as well, I'm learning like everyone else and have a very long way to go before I can call myself a seasoned grower so dont think I'm here preaching anything.... I'd rather try to help where I can rather than talk shit when and where I can though...

But TLO is very similar to supersoil which I'm very sure your aware of.. Mass amounts of organic nutrients composted... Both grow highly resinous weed.. Whats wrong with any of that? Nothing I dont think???... I really dont see whats wrong with products like alfalfa meal, kelp meal, blood meal, guanos, oyster shell meals, lime... etc... Whats the problem with using these products in the manner subcool and the rev preach? Its not how Rrog or lumperdawgs does it (I honestly have no idea how either one of them grow but I do know thats what your preaching at the moment) but whats wrong with it? Whats wrong with using liquid fish and squid products? Aside from ca/mg+ and the big bloom, liquid fish products are the only other liquid products mentioned in the whole book (which makes me think you havent read it and are taking Rrog's word for it), where hes actually advocating against the use of liquid products aside from those 2 or 3...

Everyone finds their own way to growing mj, hopefully finding their own way to organics... but dont knock any of it, or let me say it this way... dont go out of your way to knock it... Its just stupid.... The TLO book was well worth the $10 to me, all I wanted it for was the recycling soil, teas and worm farm bits which is more than worth a $10 download... However the rest of the book was worth reading, there were things I agreed with and not, thats the point of reading... Take what you need and can use and leave what you dont....

And as far as the big bloom, it is the only remotely organic product from fox farms... I've used it before and thought no ill of it... However, I did some research and it has Potassium Magnesium Sulfate and Sodium Chloride in it somewhere somehow, at what levels or amounts, I have no idea.... They say its 100% organic but I cant find a OMRI sticker on it so thats that I guess.... But really... dont be such a dick all the time, not everyone thinks, "Ima grow some weed.... The first thing I need to obtain is how to make plant extracts" etc... It may be much easier than it sounds but most of us only have a high times magazine when getting into any of this, nor does any search make it easy to find actual truthful information, but everyone finds their own way, which you are an example of, let others do the same, but instead of jumping in when others are wrong, start you own "real organics thread" if you havent and do it that way and show others the "real way" with your results allowing them to speak for themselves....