Worldwide Shipping For Orgainc Nutes!?


Well-Known Member
Hello, people.. I just moved over seas about a year ago, and I havent had any weed in about 10 months..
I was able to get a small stash here with me..
I was also able to bring my select choice of seeds.. So now Im ready to get growing..
ONLY problem is there ARE NO GROW SHOPS of ANY kind here!
I have seen 10x the selection in a fucking walmart garden area, then I have seen at the biggest hardware store, and supermarkets here:evil:

I want to use organics.. I have looked on ebay, and the selection is fay too limited, and shipping is fucking sky high..
Also Im having trouble finding people that ship worldwide..
Ones that do charge out the ass..

I have also heard alot of liquids are getting harder, and harder to ship overseas.. Due to all the lame ass "terrorist" bullshit ever since 9-11..
Does ANYONE know a online store that has a large selection, and sells organic nutes, and ships ANYWHERE in the world:-?
I have look on ebay, and they are way too pricey for their shipping, as I already said.. Unless someone else know of a ebay seller, they themself have bought from personally..

I DID actually find some stim-root, here as amazed as that sounds.. I cant believe the lack of garden supplies in this hell hole..

Im dying to get a real buzz ffs!

I have found low grade hash, but thats all one can find here.. You know how after you havent smoked in months, and they you get some .. Its like OMG after one or two hits, and your done.. Even if its not very good weed..
Well this hash is ever worse then that.. Lasttime I got some, I hadnt smoked in about 4 months.. I smoked the whole damn thing in a week.. Might of been 1g or so..

I mean I thought hash was supposed to be better then actual buds.. Im sure if its quality it is.. I was pretty bummed out to say the least..
I only have so many seeds I was able to bring here..
Its VERY important I get good at growing, and cloning, if I expect to keep myself well supplied in smoke..
I have grown outdoors before, and had good success, so Im not a total noob..

BUT once I run out of seeds, then thats it, Im fucked..You cant just goto your local dealer here, and get a bag of bud, and get some seeds from it.. HASH is all I have seen, and heard of people getting here..
I have been talking to people that have lived here for several years, and know people that bring the shit in..
They dont mess with bringing in weed.. Im not sure why
I could probably make a fortune if I wanted to go into buisness, but thats not what I want..
Also would hate to end up in a prison in a completely foreign country..

I cant speak or read the language, and thats one things which has been making finding good quality organic nutes so hard..
I have seen nutes in garden areas, but they are all synthetic powers..
My wife can actually speak the lang here, but not read it..
So I have been able to get her to ask around where I can find this or that, with little or no luck.. Sorry to ramble on, and on..

So anyone have some places that can help me find good nutes that will ship anywhere in the world?
thx for listening :peace:


Well-Known Member
sweet I will thx, please keep them coming if you can.. Id like to has as much a choice as I can..
BTW I will be using soil, and CFLs.. HIDs, and hydro dosent exist here


Well-Known Member
I checked, and I had to pick which country I lived in.. It only gave me USA, and Canada as options...
Thats no good.. I live in neither
I need GLOBAL shipping!


Active Member
Which country are ya in?
I'm in India. I had to order all my shit form the us.

the guys there is really helpful and has a ebay shop.
He delivers worldwide.
Awesome prices on reflectors, ballasts, bulbs and he ships worldwide.

The guy gave me a $40 discount on my order when told him I was broke!
I've ordered from both of these guys and had great service.

If you want to go organic shipping is going to cost you alot. Your best bet is to find a place that does composting where you live. I did the same thing and got worm casting cheap as fuck. If your growing soil I'm sure you can find organics locally. The only reason i ordered alot of stuff is cus i want to go hydro.


Well-Known Member
wow thx alot.. DAMN I hear India has some really harsh laws against Mary Jane, is that true?
Im in SE Asia, laws are also a bit harsh here, from what I hear..

Im using CFLs, and there is nothing as far as garden shops, that I have found to date..
Only hardware, and general stores with small garden shop areas


Active Member
The laws aren't really that harsh and on top of that they aren't enforced. They are hardcore avout traffiking though.

I got my HPS/MH ballast and reflector from a light supply shop.
It's water proof and meant to be used as a streetlight. 400 watts philips streetlight.

Does your city have a industrial supply area or anything?
There has to be someplace where people get HID lights.
If not most electricians can make a ballast for you and figure out how to get the bulbs.