wondering if i set my carbon filter up right


Well-Known Member
so your sucking rom the smelly room and shooting it out the carbon filter ? that's correct. a major thing to think about. to save money on the electric bill . why not hook that carbon filter to your cool tube of your light it . so the light hooks to the fan blowing in . sucking from the carbon filter, and then blowing through the light cooling it too . saves you a few hundred watts of electric only 1 fan.


Well-Known Member
Not sure i get ya. Filter should be in the tent. Fan sucks into the filter and blows out of the tent/grow room. From the looks of it, it seems like you might be blowing into the filter but I can't tell for for sure from the pic.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how you're running the duct work. I'm guessing you have fan and filter in grow area then exhausting to your attic. if I'm right than your set up is right, if I'm wrong about setup then I don't have a clue.


heres a better pic for u guys and im away i have to seal it better . tx guys

So by the way it looks, it goes from the carbon filter the fan to that flex hose. Is that hose taking a big U turn? If it is then why not remove it and connect the fan directly to the attic with the carbon filter connected to the other side of the fan? The only other thing I can recommend is to tape up all the seams on the fan around the outside edge of the two pieces of the fan connected together and around the electrical connections. Theres seams around there that leak and suck in unfiltered air and exhaust that unfiltered air out of the room making it seem like the carbon filter is not working. I had this happen to me on both Vortex and a DuraFan by Sunleaves