Wonder Woman from seed


Well-Known Member
hey guys, been a while for me but ive started a new grow.. I grow only personal stuff.. its more some thing i just mess around and experiment with.. im getting decent but since i only grow 2 plants at a time my last 2 grows were unfortunately all male! so i decided to spend the extra money and start growing feminized strains... so here we go.. heres my set up and wonder woman about 2 and half days out of the ground.

my setup raises up too by the way so it doubles in height and i also flower early to keep my flats about 2 ft tall. anyone ever grown wonder women?



Well-Known Member
so im about a week in and growth is really slow so im trying to figure out whats wrong.. i gave their first dose of nutes and they didnt respond to that so i bought this Rapitest ph tester ( its got a probe and a meter).. anyone ever use that thing? anyway that thing read the PH around 7.0.. that is an exceptable PH right? last week i ordered a digital temp/humidity meter so i dont have those readings yet.. im pretty sure the temp is around 80... if i had to guess i would say its pretty humid in there...in the mean time if anyone has any suggestions or comments id appriciate it.

posted a couple pics of the meter and plants so far



Well-Known Member
ok, i think im like 2 weeks in now.. they are looking good.. my humidity does seem to be a problem at around 60%.. my problem is the temp.. i live in the tropics and dont have a/c in my house so its hot.. the temp in the box is 90-91 in the day and 86-88 at night... theres really nothing i can do about it.. unless anyone has a suggestion??? growing in the winter here will give me better temps.. despite the heat i think im having some good results.. i think the temp will go down a few degrees when i bring the box up in a week or so..



Well-Known Member
made some small adjustments to the box last night and got the temp below 90 now.. its hanging around 88.5 right and im really happy with that


Well-Known Member
here we are about 4 days into 12/12, expecting to see female parts with in the next 2 days.. ive also raised the box for the first time about 2-3 inches.. im estimating these plants will be about 10 inches high when fully flowered.. so far everything is good.. got a little nute burn on my bottom leaves but no big deal...

feel free to comment.



Well-Known Member
its pretty early right now so its not all that smelly.. they seem to be flowering some what slow... im putting update pics tomorrow.. still only 1 showing... i will keep this updated with the results of the wonder women so keep checking back


Well-Known Member
yes, ghetto, but it works... one day ill have a fancy set up when im in a more permanent location.

heres a couple pics from this morning.. the taller one on the right in most the pics in the one thats flowering.. the other one still isnt showing yet.


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Active Member
They are some really good looking ladies you have there man!Im at week 3 and i have to say these girls look almost identical!

anyways rep+ on a job well done so far and good luck!000


Active Member
i havn't got a journal on yet but im in the process of recording my grow and was goin to put it on here when ive solved a slight problem i have with some top growth curling and going all wrinkley!

I have to say tho bud yours are looking great!do you find you get uniform growth or indica/sativa dom variations? 000


Well-Known Member
its pretty uniform.. one looks slightly more indica dom.. but for the most part uniform... so far this is my best grow.. im still new.. this is only my third grow so im still working things out as well... my first time with wonder women and feminized seeds.. had a hard time with males and only being able to fit 2 plants in my set up.. so i decided to spend the extra money on the feminized strains from now on.. let me know if u get a journal or pics up.. id like to see.. what strain you growing?


Active Member
well at the minute i have two shabby lookng mango mothers ready-ish to be cloned and 4 wonder woman (fem) at about 3weeks old and i have to say the indica dom wonder woman really looks good!if you add me on your friends ill let you know when i get pics up. 000


Well-Known Member
as of today they are both confirmed females. feeling good. pictures in a few days when they start to fill in more


Well-Known Member
updated pics.. they have been in 12/12 for a few weeks but it took a while for them both to show.. currently been showing for 8 or 9 days.. starting to get a nice little bud spot on the top of the one of the right... the other one isnt as pretty yet but its getting there.. and also the color in the picture is bad its not yellow like it looks in the pic..

so far so good with this grow.. im changing my mind and saying they will probably be just over a foot tall at the end.. i also just out molasses into my feed schedule yesterday.. feel free to comment



Well-Known Member
Very Very nice my friend you are doing a professional job with that so called Ghetto set up what a hater HUH?Thanks for the imput on my thread.
