

Well-Known Member
is it really that common for girls to cheat? none of the girls im friends with would cheat or anything like that. i dont date or fuck so i dont ever get myself into those situations lol. not all girls who like drugs are bad though either...you know what i do for weed? i either grow it, or i pay for it! i dont even get my dealer to spot me here and there...if i dont have money...i dont smoke :) but who knows...maybe im just one of those rare girls who understands respect and kindness.


Active Member
no children(exept 3 dumpster babies,birthcontroll-pills suck.(go nuva-ring,years without pregnacy or issues.)
we've been together 5 years, im only 21 so i have my whole life to go.
and i have afew opprotunities but think i will go awhile without dateing.
theres a girl that comes to my work everyday im there and has the greatest smile,she is very cute but shy,we talk for afew minutes everytime we see eachother and just the otherday she asked me to ask her on a date, i told her i was in a relationship and she seemed disapointed. i cant wait to see her next.
i shouldnt get into anything but she intrests me to no end.
Funny... you talk about bad karma to one girl, then break a guy's teeth for fucking with your girl, then say thatyou're interested in a different girl who you can't wait to see.

What about your karma? If your girlfriend breaks that girls teeth with a camera, make sure you post the pix here!


Active Member
is it really that common for girls to cheat? none of the girls im friends with would cheat or anything like that. i dont date or fuck so i dont ever get myself into those situations lol. not all girls who like drugs are bad though either...you know what i do for weed? i either grow it, or i pay for it! i dont even get my dealer to spot me here and there...if i dont have money...i dont smoke :) but who knows...maybe im just one of those rare girls who understands respect and kindness.
I guess it depends on how you look at it. I'm not too much of a relationship type because I feel like men and women are not built to live together for long periods of time. I've had 3 serious relationships, and one I cheated on (long story, but it was over in my mind long before I did that--I only stayed with him because he owed me $10,000). So I guess that's pretty schiesty.

Every other guy I've "dated" or whatever you wanna call it, I've announced before hand that I don't like relationships and they're free to do whatever they want as long as I'm free to do what I want. This was the scenario recently with someone I was seeing. But apparently, after a few months, he got jealous because I wasn't spending time with him. This is ironic because I wasn't actually seeing anyone else... just working 2 jobs o_O

Anyway, you guys can say what you want about girls. Some of us just want sex with no strings attached. On the other hand, what serious relationships I have been in, I've been a very loving, giving, respectful partner. And in my opinion, guys, if your girl is acting like a cunt, just leave cuz you're not meant to be together. I've "dated" a lot of people in my 16 years of dating experience and to say that only 3 of them were worth dating for more than a couple weeks/months just proves that you're going to find more bad matches than good matches.

So stop blaming girls for being the problem. Everything you guys said, I can think of at least 5 men that I know that do the same thing. It's the clash in personality/interests/attitude/etc which causes problems. Think of the bitchiest girl you've ever dated. Chances are there's gonna be a guy out there that she's loves so much that she'll do anything for... just wasn't you, so in turn she was a bitch. Nothing personal, it's just that when you spend so much time with someone that you're not meant to be with, they tend to get really annoying really fast and the frustration just starts coming out. :lol:


Active Member
Im not saying women are the problem, im aware men and women cheat.most people in relationships will meet somone and have a curiosity about the situation, i never acted upon anything yet and have stated im not rushing into anything. all i want is repect and honesty if im in a relationship. her and i have talked about having crushes on other people and ive stated if you ever really want someone tell me and we could work something out.(i would have just left her.)


Active Member
you cant make a hoe a housewife
i made that mistake(she wasnt a hoe literally!)
but the million dollar question...can you make a housewife into a hoe? hehe :hump:

LOL @ both....

and, that kinda reminds me of a quote from an old Tales From the Crypt episode:

"If you want a woman stay with you forever, you have to treat the queens like whores and the whores like queens" :lol:

Think about it, nice girls (most of the time) end up getting stuck with asshole boyfriends. And the whores, well sometimes end up marrying 80 year old men for their money :lol:


Active Member
LOL @ both....

and, that kinda reminds me of a quote from an old Tales From the Crypt episode:

"If you want a woman stay with you forever, you have to treat the queens like whores and the whores like queens" :lol:

Think about it, nice girls (most of the time) end up getting stuck with asshole boyfriends. And the whores, well sometimes end up marrying 80 year old men for their money :lol:
I GOT THAT SHIT ON DVD !!!this made my day!
i love that vigilante exacutoner guy,i just wish he never got pinched for it.
the women i speak of in this thread says thats the most accurate thing ever!
"If you want a woman stay with you forever, you have to treat the queens like whores and the whores like queens"
i knew it but still,never treat someone too nice, they'll expect if forever.


Active Member
you can make a housewife a hoe, takes one of 2 things(or many others but these are good!)


Active Member
you can make a housewife a hoe, takes one of 2 things(or many others but these are good!)

and I think you're the only person I've ever "met" that knows which episode that quote is from. Some people remember the episode, but no one remembers the quote. Stuck out in my mind forever because (even though it's crude) it tends to be quite true.


Active Member

and I think you're the only person I've ever "met" that knows which episode that quote is from. Some people remember the episode, but no one remembers the quote. Stuck out in my mind forever because (even though it's crude) it tends to be quite true.
it's so true it hurts.lol ive watched that episode 2-3 times this year.Deffinatly authentic tv.
haha i love the "met", i could have used it the other day.


Well-Known Member
no children(exept 3 dumpster babies,birthcontroll-pills suck.(go nuva-ring,years without pregnacy or issues.)
we've been together 5 years, im only 21 so i have my whole life to go.
and i have afew opprotunities but think i will go awhile without dateing.
theres a girl that comes to my work everyday im there and has the greatest smile,she is very cute but shy,we talk for afew minutes everytime we see eachother and just the otherday she asked me to ask her on a date, i told her i was in a relationship and she seemed disapointed. i cant wait to see her next.
i shouldnt get into anything but she intrests me to no end.

WTF??? :shock:


Active Member
sorry folks...toofar?dont think i thought before typing that!
i must say i addopted the term from a co-worker,he wants to own an abortion clinic.. he is weird
i have "ill manored" humor at times.