Wiring this computer Fan ?


New Member
how would i go about wiring this computer fan to a power source with the least amout of damage to the fan

i've picked up some nice fans around 40 cfm a peice... and run at about 20 db ... now i just need to fuigre out how to get them hooked up.... they have a three pin connector at the end... with 3 cords going into it...

ive herd some things about wiring computer fans to cell phone batteries... or chargers.... or something and i was wondering should i just cut the wire's n splice them onto a phone charger.... or do i need a certian type... one with 3 diffrent wires? or can i just put them all together... or is it possible to leave the 3 pin connecter on there and connect it to something else?


Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
cell charger

or if you need more power out of the fan go to walmart and buy an AC converter

Wiring it should be simple but if you need help PM me its easy


Active Member
Any old wall adapter will work if the output voltage is around 12v DC. It must be DC for the fans to work. I have a similar fan hooked up to some random power cable adapter I found lying around in my house. Test it once by touching the wires to the fan leads to make sure it will spin in the right direction and then you can solder it or crimp the wires together. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you can buy a power supply for cheap and wire it directly to that. My power supply system has 5 comp fans running almost 24/7, I turn it off for about 4 hours or I just leave it on. I left it on for about 4 days straight, and it was a little warm only. good luck. This way, you don't have to worry about short circuits and wrong voltages.


New Member
hmm.... well.. thats alot of diffrent answers.. which way would be the esiest and do the least damage to the fan.... it has 3 small wires... do i have to find an adapter that has 3 small wires?..... also what is this power supply ? and were would i get one? i cant picture what it looks like but if it can run 2-3 fans that would be perfect... would save me the trouble of rigging all 3 togather with some phone charger.


Well-Known Member
3 wires: +...-... speed control(pc use only) you only need a power supply with 2 wires. just got to test to find the + - wires


Active Member
The yellow wire from the fan is the RPM sensor, don't bother with that one at all, you could even cut it completely off. I think a PC power supply is a little overkill for just fans, since it also has a 5.5v supply that you would never use, and that slowly damages the power supply over time. (FYI: I am kindof a computer nerd :bigjoint:) This thing will be able to power your fans just fine, and is the simplest, most compact option. :)


New Member
thanks guys...i think i have something that looks exactly like that... ima start trying to rig the 2 fans i got to that charger and fir them to my cab ill let you know how it goes


New Member
hmm.... no idea what that is... how is it diffrent from just a rigged charger?..... right now i got 1 fan rigged up to a 120v - 12v actodc addapter just like the one mentioned above... ive rigged one of the fans together with it and it seems to be spinning properly... the blue wire doesnt do anything so thats left out the other 2 are connected to the corresponding wire's in the charger...

i was wonderingif i connect 2 fans to the same charger would it bring less power to each fan? cutting the cfm ? of the fan


Well-Known Member
Go garbage picking for an old pc. Use the power supply . You will be able to add many more fans if needed . Im thinking of using one to power fuel injectors from a car to spray water. pump will come one then power supply will open the injectors.
Its still in the works tho as i only have 2 injectors atm.


Active Member
If you wire the fans in parallel then they will both get 12v and spin at max RPM. The only thing you have to watch out for is the amperage draw on the power source, you don't want to overheat it and blow it up. If you only have two or three of those fans on an adapter like that you should be fine though. :bigjoint:


say i got 2 12v fans and one 12v power source, how do i go about wiring parallel, with each fan having one positive and one negative wire

If you wire the fans in parallel then they will both get 12v and spin at max RPM. The only thing you have to watch out for is the amperage draw on the power source, you don't want to overheat it and blow it up. If you only have two or three of those fans on an adapter like that you should be fine though. :bigjoint:


Active Member
I will draw a couple examples. The first two are both parallel, one just looks nicer. :) The third one is a series, you don't want that.

Red is positive and black is ground (negative). Notice the difference in both types.



New Member
thanks man i think ima just go with wireing 2 to the charger... because i have no idea what and how i would go about rigging a power source... and i alredi have 1 fan rigged up thats some nice info ima mount the fans on the cab tommorow and finalize all the wiring. i reped u for some good info

fyi cutting holes in wood were there was no holes. is a bitch... especially with a small hand saw type thing and a drill