Window or wall unit


Well-Known Member
Hey farmers
I'm building a sealed room in a garage and I want to use a approx 12000 btu ac to go thru the growroom wall. No windows. Does this mean I need a thru the wall unit or can I use a window unit still? Looks like the window units have some accordion thing on the side to fit in window. Looks like major air leakage. I will need to vent the hot air from the back of the unit to the outside. Some have sleeves all in one and some are purchased separate??? They all vent out the rear the same?
What kind of window/wall ac should I be looking at.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the are the same
They vent out the rear the same? Do the thru the wall sleeves have the intake on the side and the exhaust on the backend or top like the window units just seperate pieces? Just looks like the venting is different.
Looks like the thru the wall units sit flusher against the wall but cost more. Does it just take more rigging to get a good seal with a window unit? What would you get. I assume they both function the same it's just the way they mount? Having a problem seeing the difference. Can you help?


Well-Known Member
They are exactly the same in your application.

Honestly, what you really want is a split A/C. They are WAY more efficient, super quiet, and dont exchange any air. You can get a 12,000btu unit for around $700

The difference in price will be payed for in less than a year because of the increased efficiency. I have a 14 Seer unit. Wall AC units are so inefficient most are not rated but they come in around 20+ seer. Plus if your going to use co2...and who doesn't? The no exchange is a big plus


Well-Known Member
Yeah ideally a split is what I would want. The split unit condensor would be outside not far from my neighbors house. I worry about that running outside in the middle of the night in winter lol. Especially since I have central ac/heat unit on roof. So between a window and a wall unit you see no difference? Install the same? Wall cost more? So what one would you put in if you had a choice? Running 2-600s and might and a third 600 or 1000.


Well-Known Member
I would pick the cheapest one I could find. The little window flap things just unscrew from the unit so you can install it just like a regular window unit. Hell, if your in Oregon I will sell you my big wall unit cheap. I think it is 10 or 12k btu. I hear you about the neighbors though. I have 2 8" fans and a split
Condenser that run all night. I told one of them I have a pottery
Kiln and I have to cool the room. Not a huge deal cause I'm legal but they probably wonder why I am firing pottery every night of the year :)