Wilting issue.

Unfortunately the past 2 mornings I have come out to find my plants wilted. I am growing Norther Lights Auto on an 18-6, I did rotate my plant after the first picture I will post but you can tell it droops overnight. Now I have heard leafs will do that once they have gotten there fill of light but I have not read anything about the tops of the stocks falling over too. Any advice would be great!



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the past 2 mornings I have come out to find my plants wilted. I am growing Norther Lights Auto on an 18-6, I did rotate my plant after the first picture I will post but you can tell it droops overnight. Now I have heard leafs will do that once they have gotten there fill of light but I have not read anything about the tops of the stocks falling over too. Any advice would be great!
I'm thinking you might have root issues. How is your watering schedule? Do you soak your soil? How's the drainage?
Also, did you transplant from a smaller pot recently, or at all?
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the past 2 mornings I have come out to find my plants wilted. I am growing Norther Lights Auto on an 18-6, I did rotate my plant after the first picture I will post but you can tell it droops overnight. Now I have heard leafs will do that once they have gotten there fill of light but I have not read anything about the tops of the stocks falling over too. Any advice would be great!
The second plant just looks under watered cause the soil looks dry, the first plant looks good to me.


Well-Known Member
If it is being watered properly I would be looking at the roots.. I've never heard of or seen this before.. it looks thirsty.. does it respond to watering?
Today is my water day when the lights come back on but do you guys think this type of pot might be bad? It's only my 2nd grow and I used pots my dad gave me from his tree farm this time but not the last. Also this one has not been cleaned yet, I do not use dirty pots to grow in :) figured I better say that before I get hate. The solo cup without a bottom was an idea given to me for autoflower to get rid of the need for transplant.

Same plant just a week ago.



Well-Known Member
Is the solo cup still in there? That could be a problem... stopping top root growth will destabilize the plant...
Also what are your temps? Day/night
It is still in there. It's an idea that was given to me and since it's my 2nd grow I am willing to try things and make mistakes all in the name of learning. Once I harvest it I will dissect the roots and see how they look. At this point I can't remove it without pulling up my plant or I might try it on one of my other ones. If you don't mind me asking how would you have grown them?
HydoDan said:
Is the solo cup still in there? That could be a problem... stopping top root growth will destabilize the plant...
Also what are your temps? Day/night
My day temps 75°-85°
Night temps 68°-75°

I don't have a way of keeping my temps spot on but I can keep them from getting to hot or cold and they stay consistent threw out the day the only real fluctuation is from day to day depending on temps outside.


Well-Known Member
1. Never water before lights out.
2. im betting over watering... roots damaged now.
3. Could be root aphids... unpot plant and inspect roots. shake dirt off and REPOT it with dirt that you put in a ziplock bag and microwaved for 5 min.. keep in bag till cool.
4. I would do that regardless.
I'm no expert but shaking the dirt off the roots of an auto flower that is starting to show pistols sounds like it would cause bigger issues.


Well-Known Member
You have to remove the plant and soil from the solo cup and transplant it into the new pot.. there must be a video on transplanting. Sounds hard but is very easy.
Experiment and see if you can remove the cup.. shouldn't get tangled in roots they are all inside the cup. Slowly pull the soil away from the stem and see what you got.. use a pen knife and do surgery on the cup.. I'm afraid your plant may be root bound in the solo cup!!
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I meant no disrespect bro, I'm on here to learn not start shit with people. May I suggest medicating and then explaining to me why that would help my issue and not make little jabs at me.


Well-Known Member
honestly, i dont know where to start. So lets get down to basics.

1. plant roots need water but they also need lots and lots of air. when you over water a plany you are basically sufficating it and thats why it wilts. it isnt actually sufficating.. but you get the jist.
2. plant roots are also susceptable to all kinds of disease and bugs. root aphids are quite common (especially amoung those that reuse pots without sterilizing and have non-sealed grow rooms)
3. transplanting plants doesnt hurt them, when a plant root is damaged it actually triggers the release of hormones that increae root growth. that is why you shake a plants roots and loosen up the dirt when you transplant.
4. having a solo cup with no bottom and transplanting that directly into another pot is just about the dumbest thing i have heard in a couple weeks. Not going to get into why, it just is.
5. if you have a problem then you need to figure out WTF is going on, not just hope for the best and carry on.