Will White People visit a Black Museum?


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, but I've found the exact opposite to be true especially when race or religion is involved. Then again, I live in the South so maybe it's a regional thing.
Yeah, you guy got a bit further to go in general. Just listen to Katt man, he'll tell you how it is.


Well-Known Member
I have never in my life seen a black person or a person that is white..Are we talking crayola?..We thinking like we're crayons now?..lol but really..
Check this out...(These are not the views of all Caucasion people)..I think lol


Well-Known Member
You are mistaken, the internet is for porn.
yes it is.

What about those who perpetuate stereotypes by living them?
Do you think people just make stereotypes up?
stereotypes are a grain of truth with a healthy dose of embellishment. and sometimes a self-fulfilling prophecy. we'd be better off without most of them.

Yeah yeah but jimmy every race does dumb shit like that. Understood but its mostly blacks and mexicans.
funny, the only blacks or mexicans i have ever associated with would be like mother theresa next to a guy like you.


Well-Known Member
Lol, thats why I love RIU! So many brilliant minds! Im glad I found this site!

Did anyone check where it would be at?

Ive been thinking about a lot, but most black history is of racist abuse!(high atm)! by caucasians! That is how they got to where they are now, enduring such bullshit treatment! But, I dnt get it, hispanics also were treated like shit and so have the japanese populations been abused of... What im trying to say is,

That when a black or white anything is going to happen why does it get so much publicity? And no one pays attention to the other aforementioned races in such a fashion, why?


Well-Known Member
Were? Hispanic people are STILL being treated like slaves were than 100 years ago the only difference is that they're practically begging for it and we don't have to whip them because....equally paradoxically, they do that shit themselves too.

If the media highlighted in any fashion other than 'DEY TUK R JABS" people would start to realize why. Also, now that that fad is over with they don't talk about that anymore because they want you to forget what demanding equal right actually equals while they nix labor unions.

Also people might add this shit up:

Government lies about drugs (and other shit).

Mexican government is violent/corrupt (says our government)

Drugs come from Mexico

Hint: Because the government won't let us grow them ourselves.