Will this work for cloneing???

Hey man...Im sure it will work, but why not spend $9.00 and get some dutch master replicator. Try it out. Use dome and keep humidity high. EXPERIMENT is the coolest thing ever. Try different stuff and have fun with it.

Good luck and respect
No prob man...let us know how the babies do. Uhh you useing rockwool and maby a small cfl? Remember mist STOMA the underside of leafs!



Active Member
I am useing a cfl,but i don't have any rockwool where is the best local store to get it from?is there a big differences between soil and rockwool?

And what type of cfl 2700k or 6500k?

Well to be honest man i have success both ways belive it or not. I experimented with clone into soil and rock wool. I think soil is more forgiving(moisture level easier to manage) Rockwool likes to be pre-soked then kept moist, not dry and not wet. Humidity is key tho...Must have dome i have realized!

A small cfl not directly over clones...6-12 inches away. I take 40-50 cuttings at a time and i use (3) 2700k 40 watt cfl's. Works perfect. I started using a heat pad and results came even quicker.

Any local grow shop will have your rockwool.$5-$10 for a slab of 40 cubes.

I am taking more cuttings today actually...cant wait!

Hey do you cut the coco fiber with anything...or just straight coco for medium. They come in comppressed blocks so soak it and use it? Results any better with coco? Whats your experience? I love foxfarm ocean forest cut with black gold.
