Will This Light Not Interrupt My Plants Darkness Time?


Well-Known Member
BTW note that a "green" colored party bulb is not "green spectrum"!! Use the correct spectrum and photosynthesis won't occur. Always wise to not enter during off periods but if you forgot your car keys etc you have to, results with green LED from Ebay no sweat! Moonlite won't herm either since we're there lol. Peace Bad...


Active Member
If you're gonna call BS prove it! Show any accreditted source that says plants can absorb green light and more importantly reverse the bloom cycle. Of course you'd wish to stay out during your nite cycle but sh$t happens and if ya did go in with a green headlite on zip zilch nada no problem whatsoever, savy?
you don't need an accredited article on this specifically to prove this. you just need logic. the light from this bulb is filtered through a green bit of paint or w/e, but it is not in the green spectrum. if you don't believe me, go in your grow room in dark period and turn it on, and bring some colorful items with you. they will all reflect a tint of green but there are still other colors visible, meaning there are other colors of light being emitted, you just can't see them for all the green. its like the fact that HPS lights have an orange glow, even though they have both blue and green light in their spectrum.


Active Member
this light will be fine if you DO NOT LEAVE IT ON. just turn it on if you absolutely have to go in there, but its not something you should need to do even once a week. don't just go in there at night because you want to look at them. just wait until its light cycle. it is simply not worth the risk unless you care to learn the hard way. light stress will prolong your flowering cycle significantly, and cause male flowers to appear in many varieties. that said, i use one of these and it has never caused me problems IF i don't leave it on.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys somehow I'd never read anything about this, and green lights might make my whole grow a pretty good amount easier


Well-Known Member
you don't need an accredited article on this specifically to prove this. you just need logic. the light from this bulb is filtered through a green bit of paint or w/e, but it is not in the green spectrum. if you don't believe me, go in your grow room in dark period and turn it on, and bring some colorful items with you. they will all reflect a tint of green but there are still other colors visible, meaning there are other colors of light being emitted, you just can't see them for all the green. its like the fact that HPS lights have an orange glow, even though they have both blue and green light in their spectrum.
What you're doing is confusing what I said, a Headlamp LED is "Green spectrum", a party bulb is as you said "filtered through a bit of green paint" my post above yours explains this if any mis-understanding existed. Plants don't use the "green" spectrum for photosynthesis, period. I didn't want to start a pi$$n contest on it. I have gone through many grows with the headlite LED and never never a problem.
This bulb WILL cause issues!

My problem is I don't make it to my GR everyday. So I was in there about 1-2 weeks ago pre lights-on w/ green light on, lights came on, I left w/ the green light on. Came back five days later and had new stretching in 10-11 week Pineapple Chunk from Barney's. Couple things to note:

1) Only the plants close to the light seem to be effected
2) It was all pheno's that were NOT going to be kept (weak)
3) The one pheno of Pineapple Chunk and the multiples of Super Lemon Haze that were keepers were NOT effected.

I've done this in the past as well (left green light on) w/ strong indicas with no adverse reactions. I believe the combo of weak sativa and the light played a role.

Fortunately this bulb is connected to a dedicated switch. I'm going to replace that witch with a "fan" type timer for under $20, and look into getting a green LED. So stay out if you can, make sure to turn off the light if you must.
