will this generator run my set up?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
forget about it.The noise will draw attention as to why you are running a generator.Plus the cost of gas will eat you alive.Other than that,yes it will run your lights.OPH


Active Member
During and after a hurricane, I ran two small window units, 2 refridgerators, TV computor, fans lights all on a 3000 watt generator. When we wanted to use the microwave or coffeemaker, we had to disconnect one a/c unit. That unit you are talking about is way more than enough. Make sure you don't use digital ballasts. Check out BudGreengenes posts about cfls. I think he did a grow from his cabin off the grid. Very inspiring. Good luck generators can be a pain.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
yeah that would do it, if your doing that much then run 4 lights at least make it worth your time