Will this control the smell


Active Member
OK i have one northern lights from vision and shes about a week and a half into flowering and her smell factor went from a nice low 3 to a 6. Till now i did not even have anything to get rid of the odor. So i found my air purifier with a activated carbon extra filter insert and as that alone was cutting the smell down but not getting rid of it i also put a sheet of the activated carbon filter over the intake of one of my smaller but hardier fans. Here is some pics. Also it should be noted that they are in a inclosed room for lights out and a open door room during lights on and during the open door period i hardly smell her so i was not certain if it was just because of a build up for 8 hours in that closet or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Active Member
I was also looking at possibly making one of the diy carbon filters but was not sure if i could attach those to the back of a fan like the one in the picture above or if i would have to wait till i have another 100$+ to invest on a 200-400 cmf inline.


Well-Known Member
if you can find a way to jamb an pantyhose, sock, filled with activated carbon between your filter and fan ...the yes it may well work


Active Member
kk sweet i am rather sure i can get a pantyhose and some activated charcoal in front of the intake of my smaller fan and ill just get a few of them going. THX a lot for the info i was curious why the smell was not changing much.