Will she flower okay?


Well-Known Member
I posted a thread a little over a week ago (which no one replied to :( ) about my seedling being stunted from heat stress . It was growing but very very short and small. I finally got the temperatures down but she seems to have stayed a midget.

She is now on her 25th day from seed (4 days of 12/12) but she is only 2.5 inches tall, 4.5 inches wide and on her 7-8 node (they are way to tight and bushy for me to count) like I said, she is very bushy and almost looks like she is suffocating. I have seen some growth and stretch these past 4 days but I am wondering if she will flower okay or if I should start over? I really don't want to lose 1 month of work!
She does have some deformed leaves too, especially the middle finger of the fan leaves seems to grow a bit small, but not all of them... She is bright green and healthy looking besides her being a midget.
I will be happy to see her flower, even if the yields are small.. Since its my first grow.

- nirvana fem. northern lights
- planted in party cup, transplanted to 3 gal
- ffof
- 135w ufo
- day temp ~ 78f - 85f(only on extra hot days)
- night temp ~ 71f - 73f
- fan blowing on it (stem is thick!)
- fed grow big twice 1/4 strenght while in solo cup, big bloom 3 times 1/2 strenght while in solo cup (big bloom 9 days from seed, grow big 13 days from seed)
- fed big bloom for first time today after transplant at 1/2 strenght (transplanted 1 week ago)
- will add tiger bloom once I see pistils (hopefully?????)
Ph - 6.2 - 6.6
Runoff ph - 6.0

Thanks in advance!

PS: when I fed her in solo cup she seemed to have perked up


Well-Known Member
Don't feed your plant while they're still seedlings. There is no need to and you're just asking for a nute burn.