Will my tent be too hot? How do you vent 2 lights?


Active Member
Hi I am wondering if i would be able to get away with no ventilation in a 4x4 tent with a 4ft 8 bulb t5? Or would it be too hot? Ambient room temps are about 77. Also I have a 1000 watt and 600 watt light and a 6" hurricane fan, should I run the 2 hoods connected to each other to cool them or run a Y off the fan and cool them separately?


The way I would set up is a carbon filter inside the tent on the top the ducting from the filter to the hoods and out of the tent have your fan pulling the air out. Now you need ducting from the fan going out a window it will be smell free and not change your ambient Temps in the room. As for the T5 you should be good just have a fan or 2 in the tent to give you good ventilation.

Good luck