Will my seed be ok?


Active Member
i checked on my plants and after 2 days and 2 of them are sprouting and the other two arent even growing out of the soil yet so i took one out to see if it was rotting cause i didnt water it much and planted it back, is that ok to do that?


Active Member
Pics? WHat did it look like when you pulled it out.. And you need some water....if you want them to sprout. I think you'd be fine to look at it and put it back in the dirt. Make sure to not put it too deep and if you do see a tap root...point that joint dizzown


Active Member
i watered it a little before i put them in but fox farm soil drys so fast so i was scared it rotted, when i took it out it was starting to get a stem but the bottom white part of the root was looking really thin


Active Member
Its ok to do that but what you want to do is use a spray bottle with ph balanced water with NO nutrients to keep the top soil moist. Useually the top 1-2 inches of soil will dry out while there is still moisture deeper in the medium. Spray the top soil without watering the whole thing to keep it evenly moist and they should be ok.
Its better to germ them in warm moist paper towels and ziplock baggies so you can plant the seeds taproot down.


Well-Known Member
Quick answer:

The early taproot of the plant is fragile, and critical to the plants development. So once the taproot starts to grow, you want the plant in soil (or appropriate medium) and you want to mess with it as little as possible.

Yes, once that early root starts to grow you still may be able to get away with taking it out to take a look, but really. . .if you can avoid doing that, you're better off.

Note that lots of people like the paper-towel germination method for this EXACT reason. . .so that they do NOT have to dig through any soil to check on the progress of their seeds! Once the thing starts to grow, they plant it, and are done with it.

If the seed hasn't germinated yet, then it doesn't make any difference if you take it out and look at it, then replant it.