Will my plant still ripen after trimming all the fan leaves??


Well-Known Member
Just chop it! Any new growth will take weeks and by that time trichrome degradation will have taken place so where you gain you lose!


Well-Known Member
Ok, my original plant was to chop it Tuesday. I'mma wait till then. too long?? chop it today? It's pretty potent. 1 bowl did the job....damn good job too! And I do not impress easy! I might be a rookie at growing..... But useage is a whole different story! 2001 Cannibus Cup Judge here. It takes a lot to get a grade of A from me! I can't wait to judge my own after curing. I promise I won't be biased either!!! :-P

My thanks to you all!

See ya next crop!


Well-Known Member
OK Now sittin here I find myself dyin laughin at myself. I mean I looked at the picture and my question and just died!


Well-Known Member
It didnt take 10 years........but here 3 years later its still very funny. I sooooooo get it now!!! I woulda died too!! But I sure did learn a good lesson!!