Will it grow?


Well-Known Member
I need to know if 2-2 ft fluorescent growing lights will work in a grow room with the demensions of 2 x 4 and 3 feet to the top, not just to grow through the vegetation stage but for the entire process. i know this is a small area but its all i can use.


Active Member
I have about the same set up. I started flowing about a week ago. I suggest you get one more or even two more lamps. I have 2 2ft flouros and an 18" flouro and plan on buying one more 18". Also do forget ventilation and odor.


Well-Known Member
Fluorescent lamps are not appropriate for home growing. They do serve well, however, to stimulate seedlings and cuttings to set root. But that is about it unless you pay big money for high intensity fluorescents.


Active Member
Dude, you are okay for veg, but you will need a whole lot ore light then that for any decent bud. I would look into getting some 150 watt cfl's, or some more tubes. you can get a 150 hps pretty cheap if ya look around.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
ok, thanks for the advice, i need some more though. what if i put two single fluorescent cool white bulbs on each side and some inexpensive compact fluors on the top with the demensions more like 2 x2 and 4 to the top? you think that will grow during the veg stage better?


Well-Known Member
hey cheesta, so you went throught the entire process with one fluors on two of the sides and two fluors on the top? and that is working nicely for budding?


Active Member
Well, I'm only 7-8 days into flowering, the plants have grown at a crazy rate, but its too early to tell if its going to work. But it is set up like you described. I have the 2' ones up top and the 18" on the side. Here I'll take some pictures of the plants and my set up in a little bit and throw them on here. So you can see.


Well-Known Member
Those look really healthy but a little short to flower, are you forcing them to bud earler than usuall, how long did you veg them ( from clones?)?


Active Member
Yes I flowered them early because of the height limitation. They double in size during flowering so that's why I did it so early (Day 22). You can flower even if the plant is only 3-4 inches high, but that'd probably be stupid.


Well-Known Member
what type of pot are you growing and how much do you think it will yield with your set-up? and how high are they right now? thanks


Well-Known Member
ok well i dont see the post i just put up so ill ask again. damn i forgot, um oh yea what kind of pot are you growing, and how much yield do you think you'll get? and how tall were they when you put them into flowering stage


Active Member
Pot is bagseed. I was told it was KB, and it was $60 for an 1/8. Strangley one of the plants looks different then the others because it has longer more narrow leaves. Also I took a seed from a friend who buys really expensive shit from some city like 10 hours away. It looks the same as the others. The plants were about 6-8 " high when I put them into flowering. I've been told a lot of different yield amounts but sounds like I'll get 1/4 ounce per plant at most. Hope that answers your questions cause I'm so damn blazed... my elbows feel wierd on wood...:blsmoke: