will fungus gnats turn my leaves yellow???


Active Member
i just put my girl in flower a week ago and all my bottom leaves are turning yellow??? with spots on'em? only a few spots kinda like mold ill try to get pics i just cant right now!!


Well-Known Member
Get a magnifier 30x minimum, check for spider mites, little wee fucks under the leaves with two dots on them.

If it's fungus nats get some yellow sticky strips from the big box stores.


Active Member
Get a magnifier 30x minimum, check for spider mites, little wee fucks under the leaves with two dots on them.

If it's fungus nats get some yellow sticky strips from the big box stores.
i did and when i shake the pot there's like no more gats i got three in the flower room and thay just seem to be in the flower room there are none in veg!! soo i dont think it was that bad it was just fucking up one plant!! but thay where in the soil but the yellow sticky traps are full of gnats and plus i got som neem ant there almost all gone but i just need to know if it could be anything els otherwise i will just keep doing what im doing! BUT i am going to check for mites!! ummm i dont think there there but i will check and im going to put pics up today!! and i need to know if it's ok to put neem oil right on the leavs?? im not going to untill im sure its ok i know not to spray it on the bud but no buds yet just hairs?!?!