Will drench spraying h202 during flower cause pistils to brown

With lights off will drench spraying h202 diluted cause pistils to brown? I got a bit of pm and want to nuke it safely. Ive tried everything i know h202 works in the end in bath. I just cant remember if it prematurely browns the pistils. I dont cafe about the pistils but ive found if the premature is somewhat effects yeild. Ive tried green cure and that browns in the past. Ive used the diluted version of myco immonox but i dont use that crap anymore do to the fact that i dont eant people inhaling cyanide. I treat all my babies with regalia but i stopped in flower. Probably shouldnt of but it is what it is. Now its down to control. So if someone knows a definite answer i would love to know. I cant just go one by one and spray only leaves that would take literally a week of which id lose the war