Will 20 plants fit in here?


Active Member
I'm planning on growing 20 plants I'm wondering if this will be enough for 20 plats and if not then how many plats could I fit in here?
It's a 2x2x2 meter grow tent.
I want to grow 20 Bid Buddah blue cheese in there, which is from what i've seen and read quite a small plant.

Let me know if there is enough room for 20 in there and if not how many could I get in there?



Active Member
sure.. just depends how long u wana veg.. 2 meters .. so like 6 feet by 6 feet.. ya id say 10 plants per 600w is good.. try it out.. and let us know.. i could fit like 100 plants in 1 gallon grow bags.. clones vegged 2 weeks and tossed into there to flower.. no problem..


Well-Known Member
Thats about 42 sq ft if my math is right. So that a couple of square feet per plant which is doable....

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
should be fine if it were me i'd go with 4x600w hps and put five underneath each of them, as long as you don't veg them for to long you should be fine i'd probably flip them around the 12" to 18" mark, that's just me though

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
What are you going to put them in? Is this soil or hydro? You can always prune or semi-lollipop them if they get too bushy. Will there be enough room for you to have access to each plant as they get larger? Even though they might be the same strain, some will be taller than others so you'll have to have an organizational plan within the space. $ lights would be nice since they can be at different heights to accommodate different sized plants. If you could veg somewhere else, even for only a couple weeks, you could keep feeding new plants into this.


Well-Known Member
if you want to fit 20 pots in there you'll need <40 cm diameter pots getting them in 5 plants a row with 4 rows.
the 40x200 cm space left should be enough for fans and stuff if needed.

You'll need to veg until the leaves of the plants start to touch each other, then move to flowering.
I recommend using automated watering system (drippers) as hand watering that deep can be a pain in the ass.


Active Member
if growing in hydro it shouldnt be much of a problem cause you wont need easy access to the plants but if its soil its going to be a bitch to get to the plants in the back corner to water


Well-Known Member
id reckon ud get 20 in there but id go with 15 and use 3 6oo w ...if uncooled ul hav a prob with heat so get a good exhaust/intake goin...itl leave space for them to grow a bit too,
Twenty seems like too many. Having more plants does not necessarily mean that you are going to get a higher yield. It going to depend mostly on the resources that you give it. You should see how big the strain usually grows and try to base your number of plants off of that. I know this will require mroe specific research but there are plenty of people whole have grown that strain in bulk and may have a better idea. Twenty definitely seems like too many though. Especially if you top them or some sort of training to make them bushier


Well-Known Member
In that space I'd put 90x 6.5L square pots of the same cut. but the dude wants 20 plants, who are we to say anything?


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice guys!
I have a hydro system but it's very odd and I dont really know how to work it so I'm going to do it in soil and then look into that dripper system you was talking about after I harvest these guys!
im using 2x2x2 an use 3 600s an put 9 beauties in it works good with ease of accses for feeding an checking bt go for it an let me no how u get on