'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners

desert dude

Well-Known Member
All religion is bullshit and should not exist. Islam isn't doing anything that Christianity hasn't done for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years. Religion is a sickness of the mind, a virus of irrational thought.
What sort of mental contortions do you go through to create a moral equivalence between Isis and Christianity? You have been watching too much MSNBC.

By the way, I am an atheist.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you are aware that their very existence is contingent upon white supremacist shitheads like you who view them as somehow actually representative of islam, rather than a fringe lunatic offshoot that actually shoots up mosques during the holy month of ramadan, right?

speaking of white supremacy and holocaust denial, were you aware that white, right wing extremists with white supremacy ideology like yourself are responsible for the worst atrocity in modern history, the holocaust?

how someone with your violent and extremist ideation can see fit to look down on any other group is beyond me.

hey, remember that one time you joined a white supremacy and holocaust denial group, and then spent months lying to us about your memberhship in it? epic shit.
I don't care to exchange thoughts with a eunuch, snitch.


Well-Known Member
All religion is bullshit and should not exist. Islam isn't doing anything that Christianity hasn't done for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years. Religion is a sickness of the mind, a virus of irrational thought.


Well-Known Member
What sort of mental contortions do you go through to create a moral equivalence between Isis and Christianity?
yeah, @Ace Yonder . what kind of idiot are you?

isis is about 15-20 thousand unorganized extremists with a body count in the hundreds.

they have a lot of catching up before they get to holocaust levels, like white supremacist christians achieved.

to compare the two is asinine, as the white supremacist loser just pointed out.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
What sort of mental contortions do you go through to create a moral equivalence between Isis and Christianity? You have been watching too much MSNBC.

By the way, I am an atheist.
What sort of revisionist history do you prescribe to that somehow leaves out the mountains of atrocities that Christianity has been responsible for? Sharia law of today is no different from the ecclesiastical courts of Europe of yesterday. Apostasy is punishable by death in both religions, subjugation of non-believers is writ into law in the holy texts of both religions. There is no difference between radical Muslims attacking Charlie Hebdo and radical Christians attacking abortion clinics. Both religions, if followed strictly, are nearly indistinguishable in all but semantics.
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desert dude

Well-Known Member
"Edward Carbajal Jr.’s father died in La Puente in 2001 but state records show a vote was cast in his father’s name in eight elections after he passed away.

It’s possible as a junior, election officials mistakenly attributed the vote to his father. There is no way to tell from CBS2’s data but he wonders why his dad is still registered.

“I mean, that should be something that everybody that’s involved with these types of things should know who’s alive and who isn’t,” he said."

If only there were some way to prevent voter fraud, maybe some sort of ID or something?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
So what? How is that relevant to citizens in the 21st century? Is that supposed to be a way to excuse Isis?
No, it is a reason to hold Christianity accountable for the actions of its adherents in the same way we hold Islam accountable for the actions of its adherents. No religion should get a free pass to espouse the violent rhetoric that is nearly ubiquitous to their holy texts, and then deny all responsibility for the actions of those who follow it.


Well-Known Member
"Edward Carbajal Jr.’s father died in La Puente in 2001 but state records show a vote was cast in his father’s name in eight elections after he passed away.

It’s possible as a junior, election officials mistakenly attributed the vote to his father. There is no way to tell from CBS2’s data but he wonders why his dad is still registered.

“I mean, that should be something that everybody that’s involved with these types of things should know who’s alive and who isn’t,” he said."

If only there were some way to prevent voter fraud, maybe some sort of ID or something?
forget which thread you were posting in, old racist?


desert dude

Well-Known Member
What sort of revisionist history do you proscribe to that somehow leaves out the mountains of atrocities that Christianity has been responsible for? Sharia law of today is no different from the ecclesiastical courts of Europe of yesterday. Apostasy is punishable by death in both religions, subjugation of non-believers is writ into law in the holy texts of both religions. There is no difference between radical Muslims attacking Charlie Hebdo and radical Christians attacking abortion clinics. Both religions, if followed strictly, are nearly indistinguishable in all but semantics.

Atrocities committed by Christians in the middle ages does not concern me. Isis selling 10 year old girls as sex slaves today concerns me. I have little patience with fools defending Isis.


Well-Known Member
This is a stupid argument.

The Westboro Baptist Church are not representative of Christianity as a whole.

ISIS are not representative of Islam as a whole.

Simple as that.
You're arguing against a strawman

Nobody is saying ISIS are representative of Islam. The point being made is that without Islam, there would be no ISIS. Without Christianity, there would be no WBC

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member

Atrocities committed by Christians in the middle ages does not concern me. Isis selling 10 year old girls as sex slaves today concerns me. I have little patience with fools defending Isis.
Good catch. What part of anything I said seemed like I was defending ISIS? I am solely attacking the idea that they are somehow "Not Muslims".


Well-Known Member
No matter. Every RIU thread is filled with imbeciles, some of them sterile and barren to boot.
so you're too stupid to figure out which thread you are posting in, but we should take your opinion on international geopolitics seriously, and defer to your judgment on voter ID over that of the bipartisan federal courts who have actually studied the issue?

yeah, i'll buy that.

but you never told me, why did you spend months lying to us about your membership in a white supremacy and holocaust denial group?

thanks, george.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
This is a stupid argument.

The Westboro Baptist Church are not representative of Christianity as a whole.

ISIS are not representative of Islam as a whole.

Simple as that.
If all weebles are wobbles, but only some wobbles are weebles, it doesn't mean that weebles are not wobbles. But it does mean that without wobbles there would be no weebles.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Good catch. What part of anything I said seemed like I was defending ISIS? I am solely attacking the idea that they are somehow "Not Muslims".
Sorry about the spelling troll. That is typical UB snark.

I agree that Isis are Muslims. Isis is a Muslim problem, best dealt with by Muslims. So called moderate Muslims would be much more sympathetic figures if they spent a bit of time rooting out the extremists in their midst. That they don't spend any time policing themselves leads one to believe that most actually side with the Isis types, and that leads to... Trump and his call to close the borders to Muslim immigration.

Trump is a reaction to the dishonest left and their continual cries of racism, xenophobia, blah blah blah. I think he might win in November.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
so you're too stupid to figure out which thread you are posting in, but we should take your opinion on international geopolitics seriously, and defer to your judgment on voter ID over that of the bipartisan federal courts who have actually studied the issue?

yeah, i'll buy that.

but you never told me, why did you spend months lying to us about your membership in a white supremacy and holocaust denial group?

thanks, george.
Andy, I have no interest in talking to a guy who fails at the most basic biological imperative. Maybe you can get Bearkat to come over and plant a vigorous, healthy blastocyst in the old incubator?