Why Universal Healthcare would be GOOD!


Well-Known Member
Hell, they might even convert me into one of their mindless sheep and support it, if they dangled that carrot in front of me.


Well-Known Member
Universal healthcare would be good because if they legalized medicinal marijuana, then... free pot! That's pretty much it:weed:
And what will you do when you get denied healthcare because of your history of smoking?

You know, the government has a bunch of talking points in regards to the danger of smoking pot (and tobacco) and are not going to legalize it. They dangled that carrot in your face for votes. If they were serious about it, then where is Obama's support of it?

Why were the questions about legalization on (no)change.org ignored?


Elite Rolling Society
If you want your health care managed with the same compassion as the IRS and the same efficieicy of the Post Office, you'll support Obama's plan.

Two years ago, the Chicken Ranch Whore House in Nevada filed bankruptcy and the Federal Goverment took over, managing the business. After a few months, they went out of business, our Federal Goverment did not know how to run and manage a whore house and make a profit.

Now if our goverment and leaders can not manage a whore house..........
how do we expect them to run our health care?



Active Member
If you want your health care managed with the same compassion as the IRS and the same efficieicy of the Post Office, you'll support Obama's plan.

Two years ago, the Chicken Ranch Whore House in Nevada filed bankruptcy and the Federal Goverment took over, managing the business. After a few months, they went out of business, our Federal Goverment did not know how to run and manage a whore house and make a profit.

Now if our goverment and leaders can not manage a whore house..........
how do we expect them to run our health care?
I take it you're a healthcare expert who's had first hand experience in countries with universal healthcare, totally not using republican talking points.


Well-Known Member
I take it you're a healthcare expert who's had first hand experience in countries with universal healthcare, totally not using republican talking points.
Yeah, I just saw McCain talking about the whole WHORE HOUSE/Health Care connection the other day....NOT!

You think THIS is a Republican talking point... REALLY??

I guess any valid points against these programs are AUTOMATICALLY just Republican talking points to you.

And I have to apologize to you DR. MexicanWarlord, I wasn't aware you were a healthcare professional that would NEVER resort to using facts and figures from any Liberal source. You know, like President Obama or any of the douchebags in Congress or the Senate.


Active Member
Yeah, I just saw McCain talking about the whole WHORE HOUSE/Health Care connection the other day....NOT!

You think THIS is a Republican talking point... REALLY??

I guess any valid points against these programs are AUTOMATICALLY just Republican talking points to you.

And I have to apologize to you DR. MexicanWarlord, I wasn't aware you were a healthcare professional that would NEVER resort to using facts and figures from any Liberal source. You know, like President Obama or any of the douchebags in Congress or the Senate.
These are undeniably right wing talking points. You guys really need to present a better argument than that whole lunatic fringe society is going to collapse thing.

If you want your health care managed with the same compassion as the IRS and the same efficieicy of the Post Office, you'll support Obama's plan.

Illegal Smile

We already have universal healthcare, the best in the world. Who is it that goes without? The poor? The unemployed? BS, they go to ERs and never pay and those costs get distributed across the rest of us. We already have universal healthcare and we already pay for it. That's not what Obamacare is about.

Obamacare is about the government trying to take over the healthcare industry just like they tried to take over the auto industry and the banking industry. The government cant even run the little cash for clumnkers program. Dealers aren't being paid and they are refusing to give the credits. If they can't run a little program like that how can they run the heathcare industry? Obama himself has been talking about how Fedex and UPS are so much better than the Post Office. Does he even hear himself when he talks? That's the best argument ever for keeping the government the hell out of the healthcare industry.


Well-Known Member
This is a good analogy. When UPS or FedX shows up at my door, its always a happy time for me, presents, purchases, custom blinds for me to install for MO MONEY...its all good. All the post office brings me is bills, junk mail or letters from state and federal agencies that usually want more of my money. I'm all for getting rid of the post office...can we get rid of the IRS while we're at it?


Well-Known Member
Universal healthcare would be good because if they legalized medicinal marijuana, then... free pot! That's pretty much it:weed:

Herein lies the problem with most supporters of the health care bill. You are under the assumption that it is going to be FREE. Well there fella I can certainly tell you it will not be free. You see the government ALWAYS operates at a loss, it never makes a profit. To run ANY program at all the government must impose taxes on its citizens, so you will pay for it whether you need it or want it. Nothing in life is free, Obama will not pay for anything, YOU will pay for it.


Well-Known Member
If you want your health care managed with the same compassion as the IRS and the same efficieicy of the Post Office, you'll support Obama's plan.
Hmmm....50 cents to send a letter across the country in 2 days, what does FEDEX charge for the same service? $23.

Two years ago, the Chicken Ranch Whore House in Nevada filed bankruptcy and the Federal Goverment took over, managing the business. After a few months, they went out of business, our Federal Goverment did not know how to run and manage a whore house and make a profit.

Now if our goverment and leaders can not manage a whore house..........
how do we expect them to run our health care?

Sorry, Rush is lying to you again. The Federal Govt never ran a whore house and they never took over the chicken ranch. You are referring to the mustang ranch that went into bankruptcy and was auctioned off by the govt. Nice try at spreading BULLSHIT.


Well-Known Member
You see the government ALWAYS operates at a loss, it never makes a profit. To run ANY program at all the government must impose taxes on its citizens, so you will pay for it whether you need it or want it. Nothing in life is free, Obama will not pay for anything, YOU will pay for it.

Yea, I'm really steamed about that new postal tax.

By the way it's 'DYLAN' Thomas, not 'Dillon'. Really brainy there.:clap:


Well-Known Member
How do we know this health-care bill is not just an end run around medical pot laws?
I'm not sure but arn't they supposed to have a panel of experts that will determine treatments?
That Doctors will be made to conform with in order to keep testing costs down or something?

I mean I don't know whats in this thing.
Doesn't seem anyone knows anything other then missinformation.
The right says "Its aweful!"
The left says "no its not!"
and we are expected to deside?

How about its Unconstitutional?
Nobody gives two shits about the limitations
placed on the government in the constitution.

Illegal Smile

There has been no explanation of how costs could possibly go down while bringing 41 million people into the program. There is an answer, rationing. Proponents don't want to use that word, but that's what it boils down to. They are trying to tell us that it will cost less because less will be delivered BUT everyone will continue to receive what they did before. Surely we aren't dumb enough to buy that.

If any version of this passes we are going to pay more, get less and deal with a bunch of asshat apparachiks to get it.


Well-Known Member
There has been no explanation of how costs could possibly go down while bringing 41 million people into the program. There is an answer, rationing. Proponents don't want to use that word, but that's what it boils down to. They are trying to tell us that it will cost less because less will be delivered BUT everyone will continue to receive what they did before. Surely we aren't dumb enough to buy that.

If any version of this passes we are going to pay more, get less and deal with a bunch of asshat apparachiks to get it.
Best word ever borrowed from a foreign language, apparatchik, political bitch.


Well-Known Member
There has been no explanation of how costs could possibly go down while bringing 41 million people into the program. There is an answer, rationing. Proponents don't want to use that word, but that's what it boils down to. They are trying to tell us that it will cost less because less will be delivered BUT everyone will continue to receive what they did before. Surely we aren't dumb enough to buy that.

If any version of this passes we are going to pay more, get less and deal with a bunch of asshat apparachiks to get it.

Well we can start with the fact that it costs at least 10x more money to treat illness and disease that are not treated in early stages, throw in that those without insurance go to emergency rooms when they are in later stages of sickness and that can go up to 30x more. We all pay for this.

Then there is the astronomical profits health insurance companies are making. In 2008 just the top 5 insurance companies made over 8 BILLION PROFIT. All an insurance company does is collect your money and (hopefully) pay the bill when you have a claim, that is it. They provide no extra service to you, and actually fight you when it comes to claims. There is no reason the government cannot provide the same service as insurance companies do just as they do now with Medicare. Can anyone tell me just what great service insurance companies provide that justifies 10 billion a year in profits? We all pay for this.

Then you have the pharmaceutical companies. Do to our free market system, they are charging up to 10x more for medication to the US than other countries with govt health care simply because they can. Other countries like Canada have placed a cap on what drug companies can charge in their countries, not here, its a free market. That same pill that costs $10 here would cost $1-$3 anywhere else. We all pay for this.

Here is another little known fact; if a person needs surgery and they have normal health insurance hospitals will charge one price, lets say $20,000. That same surgery under Medicare would be only $15,000, and that same surgery to someone with no insurance would be billed $25,000. Once again, we all pay for this.

Even if I was to pay the same for insurance under a govt plan than I do now I would much rather have some of that money going to treating people with no insurance than to the CEO's and shareholders of insurance companies and drug companies but the fact is it would be much cheaper. We are already paying for the uninsured when they walk into emergency rooms and contributing to billions in profits to insurance and drug companies. So just how would it cost more?