why the wannabees


Well-Known Member
ok heres the deal and first let me say i'm not posting to offend anyone just trying to figure it out. Why do white kids walk around these days doing everything in their power to project "i'm black" ???? from the way they dress, talk, music they listen too etc,etc,etc. i was in the county slammer a while back and i could not believe what i saw. i mean lilly white white guys doin their damned best to come off black. when talking to a c.o or another caucasion their speech is normal, as they were taught and raised. put em in a group of other wannabees or god forbid a group of black guys and BAM !!!! It's "aiiiiight", "my duuuude"....they drop their vowels, slur their words, take on a different posture etc,etc,etc. I mean WTF ????? do they realize how ignorant they come off ????? not saying they are, just come off thay way. when i ask the brothers what they thought of it i usually got an eye roll and a laugh. seems they're at a loss to explain also. so i'm askin one of you out there why you do it. i know you're out there because its all over the "new posts" section today. so...... "yo playa, lemme holla at ya,what be the 411 on the wanaabeness". and is there something wrong with looking, speaking and acting what you are as opposed to what you wish you were ????


Well-Known Member
melting pot of cultures, it comes with the acceptence of a culture. Blending of cultures is going to happen you cant stop change. Its not wannabees its this is who we are now.


Well-Known Member
its not black that is a stupid stereotype hip hop culture isnt just for "black" people i love hip hop have ever since funk master fles and run dmc days when i as a kid and have always dressed "blaxck" and im far fom a wannabee i think you just dont understand so you takle an ignorant approach and assume we are acting "black"


Well-Known Member
aw come on....its not what you are, its not blending of cultures because theres none of what you originally were.....white. ignorant approach ???? YOU ARE ACTING BLACK....period. I love all kinds of music but i don't go out and attempt to emulate the "culture" of said artist. i don't know but i think theres something to be said for being comfortable in your own skin. not everyone can come from the "hood" and be a victim of oppression.....as much as you seemingly want to be. their culture, their music, their slang is all about where they came from, their history and experiences....none of which you have in common. in my eyes, not all inclusive, but a bunch of you are upper middle class white boys, pampered and soft who desperately wish to be "gangsta's". watch too much mtv and if you ever got into the "real" hood.....you'd last about 5 minutes.


Well-Known Member
its not black that is a stupid stereotype hip hop culture isnt just for "black" people i love hip hop have ever since funk master fles and run dmc days when i as a kid and have always dressed "blaxck" and im far fom a wannabee i think you just dont understand so you takle an ignorant approach and assume we are acting "black"
you are black ???? 'cause if you're not you're "acting".


Well-Known Member
because most rapers are black.
kids want nice cars and shinny rims and unlimmited pussy.
but its not about being black.
its about being a good business person.
my black friends can hustle the shit out of anyone. its kinda amazing.
white kids think that they can have the raper lifestyle if they act black. let em do whatever they want. we will see how they act when no black or white employers will take them seriously.


Active Member
I live in a small tourist town about 30 miles from Baltimore. We have a lot of farmland around us.
I love it when I'm around town and I pull up at a redlight next to a 17yr old white kid in one of those little matchbox cars with hardcore rap music cranked so high that the car literally vibrates.
I always think how does that kid understand, empathize or feel that music in any way?
In some cases, how can he even understand the words???

It just looks silly. White country boys trying to be urban black.


Well-Known Member
whats your problem? Are you that uncomfortable in your own skin? stop ripping on people. It is who they are, thats how cultures are formed.


Well-Known Member
whats your problem? Are you that uncomfortable in your own skin? stop ripping on people. It is who they are, thats how cultures are formed.
i agree. but some cultre sucks.
anyone can be whoever they want.
but if you step up to me trying to be a hard ass like you are a 250 pound black man and youre not...im gonna slap some sense into you.
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Well-Known Member
Basicaly if you have ever seen a surburban kid wearing sean john and super baggy cloths and a do rag than thats just fuckin gay as hell. I have alot of black friends and they hate white kids who try and act ghetto. Dont try and be somebody your not


Well-Known Member
you people all make me mad look! white people made gangsters and now black people are gangsters ! and most white people cant stand it . but just as so black people are more shane then most white people. its called change and now every body has a fair peace..............................!


Well-Known Member
People acclimate to their surroundings wherever they are.

For example: If you take someone from New York and that someone moves to Houston Texas. It wouldn't be too long when that New Yorker would have a slight southern accent.

Plus, it's also a case of people wanting to fit in.
Why be the only white person that has good grammar when he speaks?
Why be the only white person that doesn't have his pants hanging off his ass?
Why be the only white person that walks tall, and has good posture?
I'm sure the reason is, that white person doesn't want to get his ass kicked. So that person does what's necessary to fit in.

Also, people express themselves in all different shapes and ways.


Well-Known Member
Basicaly if you have ever seen a surburban kid wearing sean john and super baggy cloths and a do rag than thats just fuckin gay as hell. I have alot of black friends and they hate white kids who try and act ghetto. Dont try and be somebody your not

people can be whomever they want.

they just cant inconvinence others in the process.


Well-Known Member
People acclimate to their surroundings wherever they are.

For example: If you take someone from New York and that someone moves to Houston Texas. It wouldn't be too long when that New Yorker would have a slight southern accent.

Plus, it's also a case of people wanting to fit in.
Why be the only white person that has good grammar when he speaks?
Why be the only white person that doesn't have his pants hanging off his ass?
Why be the only white person that walks tall, and has good posture?
I'm sure the reason is, that white person doesn't want to get his ass kicked. So that person does what's necessary to fit in.

Also, people express themselves in all different shapes and ways.
Exactly, just accept people for what they are stop complaining. You would do the same thing in there shoes. because you are the same.


Active Member
ok heres the deal and first let me say i'm not posting to offend anyone just trying to figure it out. Why do white kids walk around these days doing everything in their power to project "i'm black" ???? from the way they dress, talk, music they listen too etc,etc,etc. i was in the county slammer a while back and i could not believe what i saw. i mean lilly white white guys doin their damned best to come off black. when talking to a c.o or another caucasion their speech is normal, as they were taught and raised. put em in a group of other wannabees or god forbid a group of black guys and BAM !!!! It's "aiiiiight", "my duuuude"....they drop their vowels, slur their words, take on a different posture etc,etc,etc. I mean WTF ????? do they realize how ignorant they come off ????? not saying they are, just come off thay way. when i ask the brothers what they thought of it i usually got an eye roll and a laugh. seems they're at a loss to explain also. so i'm askin one of you out there why you do it. i know you're out there because its all over the "new posts" section today. so...... "yo playa, lemme holla at ya,what be the 411 on the wanaabeness". and is there something wrong with looking, speaking and acting what you are as opposed to what you wish you were ????
I tell you what. I'll get all the white people to stop acting black if you can get all the black people to be quiet in movie theaters. :lol:


Well-Known Member
whats your problem? Are you that uncomfortable in your own skin? stop ripping on people. It is who they are, thats how cultures are formed.[/quot
not "ripping" anyone my friend. i'm very comfortable in my own skin. did you read any of the other replies ??? you're killin me man....you think you're creating a "culture" ???? Ancient greece was a culture. Rome was a culture. Europe has a culture as does Africa and the
Aussies. HIP HOP IS NOT CULTURE NOR ARE YOU CREATING ONE. I can't wait 20 yrs from now when y'all have to explain to your kids the "sag" thing. You want "ignorant" look at some fool with his pants around his knees....because its "culture". READ THE OTHER POSTS. I ain't hatin' the playa yo....i'm hatin' the game.....lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,


Well-Known Member
whats your problem? Are you that uncomfortable in your own skin? stop ripping on people. It is who they are, thats how cultures are formed.[/quot
not "ripping" anyone my friend. i'm very comfortable in my own skin. did you read any of the other replies ??? you're killin me man....you think you're creating a "culture" ???? Ancient greece was a culture. Rome was a culture. Europe has a culture as does Africa and the
Aussies. HIP HOP IS NOT CULTURE NOR ARE YOU CREATING ONE. I can't wait 20 yrs from now when y'all have to explain to your kids the "sag" thing. You want "ignorant" look at some fool with his pants around his knees....because its "culture". READ THE OTHER POSTS. I ain't hatin' the playa yo....i'm hatin' the game.....lol,lol,lol,lol,lol,

So what....accept it and take another toke.


Well-Known Member
you people all make me mad look! white people made gangsters and now black people are gangsters ! and most white people cant stand it . but just as so black people are more shane then most white people. its called change and now every body has a fair peace..............................!
i think the black guys got alotta "culture" from the Italians. Either way its something you learn from cradle to grave. Not from Tupacs "lyrics". Dr. Suess to a drumbeat and you give it cultural significance. OH TAY


Well-Known Member
Foot in mouth head up asshole ...... difficult to dance around this one
til you pull it out.

First off im personally not creating a culture.... 2nd im not apart of this white boy acting black culture.

All im trying to say is stop hating on the people for being who they want to be. So put your shotgun and your beer down and chill out. smoke a blunt
