Why smoking is good for the soul...

April weed

We live most of our lives looking to the future. Always thinking its gonna be better in a few years, and then a few years after that. And then before you know it you've already lived your life. You've already had those extra couple years that were supposed to be the best days of your life. You have nothing to show for it except regret. You forgot that one thing the one thing were all told but never do.... LIVING FOR THE MOMENT. Forgetting that its not about the next ten years its about right here and now. Its about making the most of it and spending time with the people that mean the most to you. Just stop thinking and look around what do you have ? It may not be much it may be nothing. But you must always do the best you can with what you have to work with. when faced with one of the happiest moments of your life don't let it pass you by like I did.

Weed makes me see it for what it is... It makes me look around and think i have a good roof over my head, Friends who treat me like a brother, and i have a huge bag of weed in my car with an April wine CD in the deck.

This coming from a guy who was two busy planning for the future and forgot that graduating was a once in a life time experience with the friends he will never see again.

P.S. Was really baked when i wrote this


Active Member
Very true. Weed makes you "look around" is one the best things about it.
It doesn't make anything better imo, it just makes you stop, look and ponder/consider everything, that's why things seem so great when high, because you actually notice them.

brilliant words


Active Member
I agree. I've totally changed since I start smoking regularly almost 2 years ago. I was a finance major. Nothing more evil than that, I soon realized. I don't 'love' money like I used to, instead I crave fun and meaningful experiences rather than accumulating material wealth. I think when you get stoned you do tend to see things for what they are. I truly believe that most things are relative, but if you are aware enough then you can transcend the relativity of things and be grateful for almost nothing.